Explore Your FamilyTree through Beginning Genealogy Courses


Atlanta – “Beginning Genealogy” will be offered during the winter session in Atlanta and Douglas County through Mercer University’s Continuing Education program. Taught by Vivian Price, professional genealogist and author of the History of DeKalb County, Georgia, published by the DeKalb Historical Society, the non-credit courses will emphasize genealogy pertaining to Georgia and the Southeastern states.

Participants will learn how to prove or disprove their family legends, how to determine where their ancestors lived and how to organize their research and data. Ms. Price will also give class members tips on how to use the 1930 census, which becomes available in April, as well as how to use the Internet for research. A working knowledge of computers is required.

Classes will be held at Mercer’s Cecil B. Day Graduate and Professional Campus, northeast Atlanta, just inside the perimeter, for six Thursday evenings, Feb. 21-March 28, and at Mercer’s Douglas County center, located at I-20 and Thornton Road, for four Saturday afternoons, March 23-April 20. The cost is $79, with registration continuing until the course starts. Register by phone by calling 678-547-6500, or online by visiting the Continuing Education Website.