Faculty Member Named President of Association


MACON—W. Jeffrey Henderson, PhD, licensed psychologist and director of Counseling and Psychological Services at Mercer University, was recently elected president of the  Middle Georgia Psychological Association.

MGPA is an organization of professionals engaged in research, teaching and practice of psychology. The purpose of the society is to uphold psychology as a science and profession, encourage forums for the exchange and dissemination of psychological knowledge, and provide opportunities for professional relationships and interdisciplinary dialogues.

Henderson, a Macon resident, also was recognized at the annual conference of the Georgia Psychological Association (GPA) in Atlanta, May 29-June 1, as the MGPA representative.

Henderson has been employed at Mercer for three years, and has been an active member of MGPA his entire time at Mercer. As president of MGPA, he hopes, working in conjunction with the other officers of the organization, to offer opportunities for continuing education for professionals and to become an active advocate for MGPA members in his communication with the state board in Atlanta.