Medical students deliver groceries to high-risk Savannah residents

bananas in the grocery store

Mercer University School of Medicine (MUSM) students are organizing volunteer efforts during COVID-19, including a grocery delivery service for high-risk residents in the Savannah area.

Local resident Margaret Miller was on the receiving end of what she referred to as a “fantastic, helpful” program. 

“This is such a helpful program for people who really cannot and should not go out, for people who are at high risk because of suppressed immune systems,” Miller said. 

The grocery delivery service is part of the COVID-19 Student Response Team initiative, organized by third-year M.D. students in Savannah to volunteer and help combat the coronavirus. Other volunteer efforts include mask-making, food bank donations, blood drive screenings and registration, drive-thru screenings and patient tracing. 

Vivian Anderson holds grocery bags
Mercer University School of Medicine M.D. student Vivian Anderson coordinates grocery delivery service for high-risk residents in Savannah.

To receive these services, interested individuals must fill out an online form to verify their eligibility. After being approved, individuals are matched with a volunteer who then takes their grocery list to a local store and drops the groceries off on their doorstep.

Miller, who said the program was highly organized and easy to use, was matched with second-year M.D. student Dawn Weston. 

“I saw the unprecedented amount of worry and disarray the pandemic was creating as people’s lives were upended in various ways and wanted to play whatever small part I could in alleviating some of that distress,” Weston said. 

Miller said these students’ eagerness to help the community shows they have a bright future ahead in their professional careers. 

“I personally feel that these students showed that they care and are passionate about what they’re doing,” she said. “To have the students be kind enough, caring enough, creative enough and passionate about their careers to want to do something spoke volumes to me in terms of what kind of doctors they will be in serving Georgia.”

If you are interested in volunteering, would like assistance or have supplies to donate, please contact the COVID-19 Student Response Team by email at or phone at (404) 556-2408.


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