Two Students Win Awards at American Model World Health Organization Conference


ATLANTA – Mercer University recently sent seven students to the third annual American Model World Health Organization (AMWHO) conference, held at Emory University.

Two students earned awards at the conference, including senior Anna Cizek from Naperville, Illinois, for Best Delegate in the Africa region, and sophomore Daniel Crum from Atlanta, for Best Position Paper in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

In addition to Cizek, an international affairs and global health studies double-major, and Crum, an international affairs major, Mercer's delegation included junior international affairs major Sterling Conyers, junior global health studies major Kaitlyn Koontz, senior women's and gender studies and neuroscience double-major Anna Johnson, junior global health studies major Ashila Jiwani and senior global health studies and anthropology double-major Nora Darling.

AMWHO was created in January 2014 to simulate the proceedings and procedures of the World Health Organization. The annual international conference is open to undergraduate and graduate students, and each year, it is centered on a different health issue. These issues have included health in times of conflict, universal health coverage and antimicrobial resistance.

Mercer students have won awards at each of the three national AMWHO conferences.

“AMWHO allows students to apply their understanding of global health issues in an intensive policy setting,” said Dr. Amy Nichols-Belo, faculty adviser and assistant professor of global health. “In addition, students have the opportunity to learn from experts in the field and work in collaboration with students from elite institutions across the country.”

For more information on AMWHO at Mercer, contact Dr. Nichols-Belo, at