Graduate Spotlight: Gradeigh Adams

a woman stands on campus wearing an orange stole around her neck
Gradeigh Adams. Photo courtesy Gradeigh Adams

Gradeigh Adams is graduating from Mercer University’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with a Bachelor of Science in psychology and women’s and gender studies.

What are your plans after graduation?

I’ll be attending the University of Georgia to start my Master of Social Work in the fall.

Who was your favorite professor and why?

Dr. Natalie Bourdon has been my absolute favorite professor here at Mercer. She teaches with such a passion, and her classes have been some of my favorites while I’ve been here. She’s inspired me to pursue a career in advocacy, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have learned so much from her.

How do you plan on changing the world?

Starting this fall, I’ll be pursuing a Master of Social Work with the intention of working in disability advocacy after I graduate. Through the research I’ve been lucky enough to complete here at Mercer, I was able to realize the need for solely disability-centered work, especially here in the South. I look forward to becoming one of the advocates and making positive changes in accessibility both in small communities and on a larger scale.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Your experience here at Mercer is what you make it. I felt very out of place through my first and second years here, but once I started seeking out classes, clubs and experiences that felt interesting and important to me, I finally felt like I found where I needed to be. It’s scary to put yourself out there and try new things, but there are so many opportunities here at Mercer, and it’s important to find what makes you happy and content here.

What makes Mercer special to you?

Mercer has such a special place in my heart because of all the amazing people I’ve met here! I’ve made such good friends through working in the admissions office, being a resident assistant and in my classes. My best friends here have truly made Mercer feel like home, and I’m so excited to watch them do all of the super cool and amazing things they’ll do in the future.

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