Noted U.S. Attorney to Speak at Law Day 2006


March 3, 2006

For Immediate Release

WHO:                  Walter F. George School of Law

WHAT:                Patrick J. Fitzgerald, U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, will speak at Law Day 2006

WHEN:                Friday, March 10, 2006, 12:30 p.m.

WHERE:             University Center, Macon Campus

WHY:                   Annual observance of the Mercer Law School faculty, staff, students and alumni joining with the legal community of central Georgia to hear one of the nation’s premiere legal figures speak on a legal issue. This year’s speaker is Pat Fitzgerald, who has provided leadership and played a personal role in many significant investigations involving terrorism financing, public corruption, corporate fraud and violent crime, including national narcotics and gang prosecutions. Among his most high-profile recent cases was his role as special counsel to investigate the alleged disclosure of the identity of a purported employee of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Other weekend activities for Law Day include a Law alumni reception and Law School class reunions on Friday night and a picnic gathering for Law Alumni on Saturday at the Law School.

Media interested in covering this event can contact Richard L. Cameron at (478) 301-5500 or

Rick Cameron
Rick Cameron is senior associate athletic director for communications, overseeing athletic media relations, including management of, the official website of Mercer Athletics, while also maintaining his broadcasting responsibilities as Voice of the Bears.