Mercer Black Law Student Association (BLSA) Honored as the 2016 Regional Small Chapter of the Year


On Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016, at the Southern Region Black Law Student Association Convention in Durham, North Carolina, Mercer's BLSA chapter was honored as the 2016 Regional Small Chapter of the Year. Mercer BLSA was recognized for the outstanding community service initiatives, academic achievement, professional and social events held during the 2015-2016 academic year.  
This year's BLSA initiatives included creating a 1L Academic Workshop; participating in a national day of service to raise awareness for a social issue; organizing an event during Martin Luther King Day; creating events targeted at building relationships with alumni and legal professionals; and donating gifts, supplies, and other items to needy families during the holiday season.

“Mercer BLSA is truly deserving of this year's Chapter of the Year Award. Mercer BLSA students, alumni, and faculty members have helped ascend Mercer BLSA to new heights,” said David Stokes, president of BLSA. “Without the help of the Mercer BLSA membership and the Mercer Law community, Mercer BLSA would've been unable to acquire such success.”

Mercer's BLSA received the distinguished award and honor among other BLSA's from law schools across the southern region including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.