MACON – Mercer University today announced the establishment of the Cecil Day Family Center for International Groundwater Innovation. The new center, led by Dr. Michael MacCarthy, will accelerate efforts in the Mercer On Mission program and the School of Engineering...
Two Mercer University alumni are looking out for a vulnerable population during the COVID-19 pandemic: the homeless.  Together, their two organizations — SafeHouse Ministries and MercyMed of Columbus— have tested hundreds of people living on the streets in Columbus.   During the first round of testing on May 18, nasal swabs were administered to 180 people. Of those, four...
Many students see the world through study abroad and service opportunities during their time at Mercer, and some choose to change the world as Peace Corps volunteers after graduation. Six students have already accepted Peace Corps offers this year, and...
With the support of Mercer and several donors, free COVID-19 testing was offered at Daybreak Day Resource Center in Macon on Thursday. Mercer Medicine, the primary care practice and division of the faculty practice of Mercer School of Medicine,...
Students in a Mercer University class didn’t get to say goodbye in person to the elementary school kids they had been tutoring, so they did it through storytime videos. For the first time this spring, Dr. Amy Borchardt had students...
Taylor Reaves took an internship with Walgreens this summer knowing that her work would likely be on the front lines of COVID-19 testing.
When help is needed, you can count on Mercerians to give their time to serve. Several Mercerians joined over 40 volunteers on May 2 at Kingdom Life church in Macon to provide meals to those in need, said Dr. Ansley...
A Mercer University staff member is leading an effort to help local businesses that are suffering during the COVID-19 pandemic.
MACON – Mercer University Class of 2020 graduates Emily Cadle, David Stokes and Mason Thornton were recently selected to serve the Peace Corps in Zambia, Morocco and Peru, respectively, bringing the institution’s total number of placements to six for...
Mercer University School of Medicine (MUSM) students are organizing volunteer efforts during COVID-19, including a grocery delivery service for high-risk residents in the Savannah area. Local resident Margaret Miller was on the receiving end of what she referred to as...