Faculty and Staff Notables | February 2023

An aerial view of the Macon campus

College of Education

Dr. Karyn Allee and Dr. Annemarie Kaczmarczyk, both assistant professors of elementary education, co-authored a book chapter on “Leveraging Literacy Instruction to Support Learners Who Have Experienced Compounded Trauma” in the book Practical Strategies to Reduce Childhood Trauma and Mitigate Exposure to the School-to-Prison Pipeline. Dr. Allee also co-authored a paper, with colleagues from the University of Central Florida, titled “Direct and Indirect Impacts of Florida’s Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program on Kindergarten Readiness and Achievement” that appeared in the Early Childhood Education Journal.

Dr. Robbie J. Marsh, assistant professor of special education, gave a presentation on “Using Community-Building Circles to Develop School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports” at the Georgia Positive Behavior Supports Conference at Georgia State University in Atlanta in December. In addition, he co-authored an article titled “Exploring Education Beyond Traditional Contexts: An Interview with Dr. Sarup Mathur” that was published in Intervention in School and Clinic. 

Dr. Katherine Perrotta, assistant professor of middle and secondary education, and Dr. Jami Friedrich, alumna of the Tift College of Education curriculum and instruction Ph.D. program, published the article “Head Above Water: A Study of K-12 Teachers’ Perspectives on Emergency Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, which is the journal of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum.

College of Health Professions

Dr. Daniel Dale, clinical assistant professor of physical therapy, presented “Faculty Perceptions of Simulation in Physical Therapy Education” at the 2023 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, held Jan. 21-25 in Orlando, Florida.

Dr. Ann Lucado, associate professor of physical therapy, co-authored the Clinical Practice Guidelines on lateral elbow pain and muscle function impairments, published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy.

Dr. Deborah Wendland, associate professor of physical therapy, co-authored a systematic review on the effect of exercise, physical activity, stepping characteristics and loading on diabetic foot ulcer healing, published in the journal Wounds.  

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Dr. Alana Alvarez, assistant professor of Spanish, published “Caracas is not Paris: The Moderate Modernity of Mestizaje in Teresa de la Parra’s Ifigenia (1924)” in the peer-reviewed magazine Hispania from Johns Hopkins University Press.

Dr. David A. Davis, professor of English, delivered a paper titled “Progress, Maybe: Literature of Post-Sharecropping Labor” at the Modern Language Association convention in San Francisco.

Dr. Abigail Dowling, associate professor of history, published “Hands On Workshops for Real World Experience: Scaffolded Assignments and Archival Objects in the Historian’s Craft” with Adam Griggs, research services librarian, in Currents in Teaching and Learning in January.

Dr. Matt Marone, professor of physics, provided a “sidewalk astronomy” activity on Poplar Street for NewTown Macon’s First Friday event on Jan. 6. More than 85 people viewed the moon as well as Jupiter, Saturn and some of their moons through two telescopes.

Dr. James Davis May, assistant professor of English and director of creative writing, has four poems in the current issue of The Georgia Review, and his poem “Sentimental Hogwash” was featured in Rattle‘s “Poets Respond” series.

Dr. Maggie Meadows, assistant professor of chemistry; Dr. Kerry Strickland, assistant professor of chemistry; Dr. Laura Simon, assistant professor of sociology; Austin Chaffin, adjunct professor of physical education; Dr. Kathryn Kloepper, professor of chemistry and vice provost of engaged learning; and Dr. John Stanga, assistant professor of biology, co-authored a paper titled “Ten Minutes a Semester: Evaluation of a Short Wellness Intervention for Undergraduate Chemistry and Biology Courses.” The paper was published in the Journal of Chemical Education in December as part of the virtual special issue “Teaching Changes and Insights Gained in the Time after COVID-19.”

Dr. Phoebe Moon, assistant professor of political science, served as a selection committee member for American Political Science Association’s (APSA) 2023-24 Diversity Fellowship. She is a member of the Committee on the Status of Asian Pacific Americans in the Profession for APSA, which is the largest academic association in political science. The fellowship was given to undergraduate seniors, recent college graduates or other individuals in the process of applying to Ph.D. programs in political science from diverse racial, gender and ethnic backgrounds.

Chelsea T. Rathburn, assistant professor of English and creative writing and the Poet Laureate of Georgia, was a speaker at the ninth annual Sea Island Creativity Conference in January. The event brings together scientists, artists, writers and innovative thinkers for two days of talks. Rathburn gave a reading and presentation titled “Do Tell the Poets” examining ways that poetry can draw upon a range of subjects to illuminate the human condition.

Dr. Katherine Roseau, assistant professor of French, presented a paper on “The Present Bread, The Absent Body: Food in Duras’s War” at the Modern Language Association convention on Jan. 8 in San Francisco.

Tennille Shuster, associate professor of graphic design, was selected by jury to exhibit her artist’s book titled I Look at the World in the 11th Annual International Art of the Book Exhibition at the Rochester Public Library, displayed through Nov. 1, 2022. She was awarded second place in the Artist Book category. Shuster was also selected by jury to exhibit I Look at the World in “Truth: Artist Books and Broadsides” at Gallery Route One in Point Reyes Station, California, from Jan. 7 through Feb. 12. Additionally, she has work on display from Feb. 3 to March 31 as part of “The Illustrated Accordion” exhibit at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center Gallery in Michigan.

Dr. John P. Stanga, assistant professor of biology, authored an article, “Recent developments in parasitic plant biology,” published in CABI Reviews.

Dr. Kerry Strickland, assistant professor of chemistry, received an Early Career Faculty travel award by the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology to present her work “A simplified workflow for plasmid transformation of and protein expression in Vibrio natriegens (Vmax X2)” at the annual ASBMB conference in Seattle from March 25-28. 

College of Nursing

Dr. Seongkum Heo, professor and Piedmont Healthcare Endowed Chair, co-authored “Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version of the Revised Self-Care of Heart Failure Index v7.2” in Clinical Nursing Research.

College of Pharmacy

Dr. Clinton Canal, assistant professor, received funding from Emulate Therapeutics for “Evaluation of defined radio frequency energy to activate serotonin 5-HT2A receptors in vitro and in vivo.”

Dr. Martin D’Souza, professor, and Dr. Mohammad Uddin, associate professor, co-authored with graduate student Ipshita Menon “Laser-assisted intradermal delivery of a microparticle vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus induces a robust immune response” in the January issue of Vaccines.

Dr. Angela Shogbon Nwaesei, clinical associate professor; Dr. Pamela Moye, clinical professor; and colleagues co-authored an article titled “An international web-based preceptor development program for Nigerian pharmacists, a pilot study” that was accepted for early release publication in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.

Dr. Maria Thurston, clinical associate professor, co-authored a book chapter titled “Gout and Hyperuricemia” in the sixth edition of Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice, released in 2022.

Dr. Lorenzo Villa Zapata, clinical assistant professor, authored “A disproportionality analysis of drug-drug interactions of tizanidine and CYP1A2 inhibitors from the FDA Adverse Event Report System” in Drug Safety in August. In addition, he and colleagues authored “Drug-drug interaction between dexamethasone and direct-acting oral anticoagulants: a nested case control study in the national Covid cohort collaborative” in BMJ Open in December.

College of Professional Advancement

Dr. Arla G. Bernstein, program coordinator and assistant professor of communication, participated in a community engagement workshop with nonprofit organization Partnership for Southern Equity in December as a member of their Just Growth Circle. She is sharing her research on ecoculturalism with the nonprofit for its EcoDistricting Project, which designates an urban planning initiative to integrate objectives of sustainable development and social equity and reduce the ecological footprint of a neighborhood, urban area or region.

Dr. Rui Gong, assistant professor of mathematics, co-authored a paper titled “A Short Note on Comparing Bayesian Density Estimation with Univariate Kernel Density Estimation” that was published in Asian Journal of Mathematics and Application in January.

Dr. Richard H. Martin, professor of criminal justice and homeland security, completed the following article reviews for International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: “Evaluation of the impact of a tourniquet training program,” “Defining Community-Based Suicide Prevention in the Context of Rural Australia: A Qualitative Study Special Issue: Social Capital and Rural Health,” “Posttraumatic growth and posttraumatic depreciation: associations with core beliefs and rumination” and “Nosological characteristics in women with social media disorder: the role of social functional impairment and agreeableness.” In addition, he reviewed “The effectiveness of extracurricular educational games on the achievement level of third-grade students in Islamic education” for the Journal of Education and Training. 

Dr. Dustin Peone, liberal studies adjunct instructor, had his book Literary Meditations for Pandemic Times: Reflections on Plague Classics released as Volume 9 of the series “Studies in Medical Philosophy” on Jan. 23. This is the expanded second edition of a book originally published as Plague Literature: Lessons for Living Well during a Pandemic in 2020.

Dr. Jacqueline S. Stephen, assistant professor, director of the Office of Distance Learning and instructional designer, was invited to serve on the Editorial Review Board of the Online Learning Journal, the official journal of the Online Learning Consortium. Dr. Stephen’s duties will include serving as a prioritized and vetted expert reviewer for special issues and papers received from the regular submission process.

School of Business

Dr. Laura Boman, assistant professor of sports marketing and analytics, had four of her current projects presented at the Society of Marketing Advances Annual Conference in November in Charlotte, North Carolina: “Are Loyal Customers Always Best?” with Sarah Lefebvre; “It’s All Your Fault! Blame Attribution of Third-Party Food Delivery Service Failures” with Sarah Lefebvre and Marissa Orlowski; “The Effect of QR Codes on Overconsumption” with Ganga Urumutta Hewage; and “The Effect of Perceived Brand Gender on Consumer Intentions After a Gender Equality Initiative” with Mackenzie Bland and recent Mercer sports marketing and analytics graduate Dolph F. Nelson IV.

Dr. James Hunt, professor of law and business, is serving a four-year term as a member of the Georgia Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. On Nov. 9, the Advisory Committee completed its report to the Commission on “Civil Asset Forfeiture and Its Impact on Communities of Color in Georgia.” The report examines the extent to which property seized by law enforcement in Georgia is taken without due process of law. 

Dr. Carol Springer Sargent, associate professor of accounting, was invited to present her paper titled “What Changes Students Minds About Considering Accounting as a Major?” at the Georgia Association of Accounting Educators in Atlanta on Feb. 4.

Dr. Briana Stenard, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, presented her original experiential exercises for improving brainstorming and team building in entrepreneurship education titled “Creative Warm-Up Exercises” at the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship annual conference in January.

School of Engineering

Dr. Guiseppe Getto, associate professor of technical communication, co-authored and published Content Strategy: A How-to Guide in October. The book provides a how-to guide for content strategy, enabling students and professionals to understand and master the skills needed to develop and manage technical content in a range of professional contexts.

School of Law

Katie Powers, director of advocacy, was elected as vice chair of the MARTA Board of Directors beginning Jan. 1.

School of Medicine

Dr. Brian H. Childs, professor of bioethics and professionalism and chair of bioethics and medical humanities, has been appointed co-chair and chair elect of the Georgia Healthcare Ethics Consortium, a consortium of ethics programs in hospitals and educational organizations, and to the editorial board of the International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. He is also part of a group of 10 bioethicists and transplant medical professionals that will study and publish recommendations for experimentation using the recently deceased, and he published an essay on “COVID-19 and Algorithmic Medical Ethics” in the international journal Review and Expositor. 

Dr. Edward C. Klatt, professor of biomedical sciences, served as a reviewer for the Journal of Pathologic Informatics during the year 2022 and a reviewer with the Student Professional Development Committee of the International Association of Medical Science Educators for student awards at the 2023 annual conference.

Dr. Jong-Hyuk Lee, assistant professor of biomedical sciences, published a research article titled “Mitochondrial PARP1 regulates NAD+-dependent poly ADP-ribosylation of mitochondrial nucleoids” in Experimental & Molecular Medicine on Dec. 6.

Dr. Richard Parrish, medical educator and professor of biomedical sciences, had his research titled “How Compounding Pharmacies Fill Critical Gaps in Pediatric Drug Development Processes: Suggested Regulatory Changes to Meet Future Challenges” highlighted in a recent American Society of Health-System Pharmacists NewsLink on drug shortages.

University Libraries

Adam Griggs, research services librarian, published “Hands On Workshops for Real World Experience: Scaffolded Assignments and Archival Objects in the Historian’s Craft” with Dr. Abigail Dowling, associate professor of history, in Currents in Teaching and Learning in January.


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