Jeff Rowe, 3L, has article accepted into Journal of Health & Life Sciences Law


Jeff Rowe, a third-year law student, recently had his article “Five Years After NFIB: Is Medicaid Expansion Still Feasible?” accepted for publication into the Journal of Health & Life Sciences Law. The article argues that Medicaid expansion as envisioned by the Affordable Care Act has improved access to care, strengthened the financial stability of safety-net health care providers, and reduced rural hospital closures. The article examines data from several states that have expanded their Medicaid programs in light of the Supreme Court's decision in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, further arguing that nearly 2.6 million Americans in non-expansion states could benefit.

Rowe has interned with Grady Health System's Office of General Counsel Health, the Health Law Partnership in Atlanta, and recently completed a judicial externship with the Hon. M. Yvette Miller, Georgia Court of Appeals. He currently externs with MedLaw, a new medical legal partnership between Mercer Law, Navicent Health, and Georgia Legal Services. He is a member of the 2017 ABA Moot Court Team, received a faculty award for Outstanding Achievement in Legal Writing, and was named an Equal Access to Justice Scholar. Prior to attending law school, Rowe received a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Oglethorpe University and worked in digital marketing for five years.