Mercer Faculty and Students Present Research at Southeastern Psychological Association Conference


Mercer University College of Health Professions Department of Clinical Medical Psychology had a large presence at the 63rd Annual Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) conference that occurred March 8-12, 2017 in Atlanta. Over 1,600 psychology professionals, academics, and students attend the annual SEPA conference focused on current topics in the field of clinical psychology. Three faculty members and six students presented at symposium, panel discussion, and poster presentations.

Dr. Meghan Cody, assistant professor of clinical medical psychology, K.C. Hewitt, PsyD class of 2019, and Anna-Leigh Powell, PsyD class of 2020, presented a poster on anxiety predicting healthcare utilization in cardiovascular patients. Dr. Craig Marker, associate professor and chair of the department of clinical medical psychology, and Anna-Leigh Powell presented a poster on how the fear of negative evaluation changes over the course of treatment of social anxiety. Dr. Tony Stillman, associate professor of clinical medical psychology, Christine Mullen, PsyD class of 2018, and Chase Grosse, PsyD class of 2018 discussed integrated primary care curriculum in a symposium. Christine Mullen and Dr. Lee Hyer, adjunct professor, discussed holistic care in the aging population in a panel discussion. Krissy Wagner, PsyD class of 2019, Krystal Tomsky-Jackson, PsyD class of 2018, and Dr. Dyer presented a poster describing psychosocial factors in spinal cord stimulator patients.

Dr. Marker said, “It was a great event for our students and faculty to network with the many psychology professionals in the Southeast region. I am especially proud of our students and faculty who continue to shine at research conferences.”

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