Mercer Law Welcomes Class of 2018


The 2015-16 academic year began on August 17, when we welcomed 125 members of the Mercer Law Class of 2018 and greeted returning second- and third-year students from a variety of summer experiences. Students in the entering class represent 60 undergraduate institutions, 31 undergraduate majors and an array of professional backgrounds. The Class of 2018 has 24% students of color, 54% women, 11 veterans and 16 legacies. Students range in age from 20 to 61, with an average age of 25. Many of the students have backgrounds in philanthropic and nonprofit service, including volunteer and employment experience with the Boys and Girls Club, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Habitat for Humanity, and Relay for Life. All students spend the first week of the semester in dedicated Intro Week classes before regular classes begin on August 24. First-year students take Introduction to Law Study; second-year students take Introduction to Interviewing and Counseling; and third-year students take Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution.