Mercer Dean Honored by Georgia Baptist Convention


Atlanta — The Georgia Baptist Convention has paid tribute to Alma native Dr. Susan Sweat Gunby, dean of Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University, for her contributions to enhance nursing education and the nursing profession.

The recognition came during the annual Georgia Baptist Convention, when a proclamation recognizing her contributions was read.

As stated in the proclamation, Gunby served the Georgia Baptist School of Nursing from 1968 to 1989 as instructor, department chair, director and dean; and the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing as dean and president from 1991 to 2000. In 2001, she was named dean and professor when the College merged with Mercer University to become the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University.

During her career, Gunby has participated in numerous research projects to advance the discipline of nursing. She has published her findings in professional journals, including Vital Signs, Holistic Nursing Practice and Georgia Nursing. In addition, she served as editor of the Journal of the Southeastern Surgical Nurses Association, and has contributed to textbooks as writer and editor.

The recipient of numerous awards, Gunby received the Mabel Korsell Award for Outstanding Service to the Georgia League for Nursing in April 2000, and was recognized for her achievements by the Georgia Baptist Health Care System, Sigma Theta Tau International, Epsilon Alpha Chapter and the Georgia Board of Nursing. She was named an Outstanding Young Woman in America and to Who’s Who in American Nursing.

She has served on numerous professional boards and committees, including the Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing, International Association for Human Caring and the Georgia League for Nursing, of which she served as president from 1997-1999.

A graduate of Bacon County High School, Gunby received her diploma from Georgia Baptist School of Nursing, a bachelor of science in nursing degree from Georgia State University, a master of nursing degree from Emory University and the doctor of philosophy in nursing education from Georgia State University.

Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. The College was founded in 1902 as the Baptist Tabernacle Infirmary School for Nurses in a five-room cottage in downtown Atlanta. Today, the College is housed on Mercer’s Cecil B. Day Graduate and Professional Campus in northeast Atlanta. A new three-story, 60,000-square-foot education building has been constructed, providing seminar rooms, classrooms, laboratories and clinical skills labs. One of the special features of the facility is the Intensive Care Unit learning lab that simulates critical care environments through leading edge technology.

Founded in 1833, Mercer University is one of the largest Baptist-affiliated institutions in the world and is the only independent university of its size in the nation to offer degree programs in liberal arts, business, engineering, education, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, law and theology. For the past 12 years, U.S. News & World Report has named Mercer University as one of the leading universities in the South.