School of Medicine Marks 20th Anniversary with Kick-off Celebration


WHO: Mercer University Board of Trustee chair Robert F. Hatcher and his wife, Georgia,

WHAT: will host the inaugural celebration commemorating the 20th anniversary of Mercer University School of Medicine

WHEN: Wednesday, April 24, at 7 p.m.

WHERE: at the home of Robert F. and Georgia Hatcher, 4870 Forsyth Road, Macon

WHY: The April 24 event kicks off a series of spring and fall celebrations being planned throughout Georgia to recognize alumni, friends, preceptors and community and state leaders whose commitment to the School of Medicine have helped to improve health care in Georgia.

More than 130 guests are planning to attend the celebration. In addition to alumni and preceptors, others who are planning to attend include Tommy Irvin, commissioner of agriculture; Georgia State Rep. Robert Ray, and Charles H. Jones, founding chair of the School of Medicine Board of Governors, who was instrumental in establishing the School.

Mercer University School of Medicine welcomed its first class of students in 1982. Since then, the School has graduated nearly 600 medical students, with close to 400 having completed residencies and in practice today. Mercer University School of Medicine is the only medical school in Georgia to recruit only Georgia residents into the doctor of medicine program.Each month, more than 100,000 Georgia residents are treated by physicians who graduated from Mercer University School of Medicine — a medical schools whose mission is dedicated to the lives of Georgians.