WHO: Selected Mercer University faculty members with presentations by Mercer staff and leading experts such as Jason Lemon, manager of instructional design, Goizueta School of Business at Emory University; Steve Ehrmann, vice president for Teaching and Learning with Technology Group, American Association for Higher Education; Erick Lauber, academic specialist, Institute for Higher Education at the University of Georgia; Forrest Harrington, XanEdu; Cynthia Alby, chair of the Foundations and Secondary Education Department at Georgia College and State University; James Kelly, manager of strategic relations, Apple – Deep South Education Region; and Butch Kayse, Apple higher education account executive for Georgia and Florida.
WHAT: Teaching and Learning with Technology Summer Institute
WHEN: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday, May 13 – 17. The institute ends at noon on Friday.
WHERE: The new Mercer University Media Center, first floor, Stetson Hall. Take the south campus entrance off Mercer University Drive. Turn left at the stop sign at the bottom of the hill.
WHY: The new all-Apple IMac media center has the latest interactive and educational technology, and selected Mercer faculty members are receiving training at the hands of Mercer University experts as well as the leading educational technology gurus in the state. Apple will also have representatives on hand for this trailblazing, first-of-its-kind institute. Mercer faculty will come away from the institute with the ability to implement cutting-edge technology into their instructional methods. This is one of the continuing series of workshops and seminars sponsored by the new Center for Teaching and Learning at Mercer under the direction of Dr. Priscilla Danheiser.
Media interested in covering the event should contact Lance Wallace at (478) 301-4037 or by pager at (478) 323-3332.
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