Rep. Lucas Honored at Medicine Commencement

Statue of Jesse Mercer on the Mercer campus.

Mercer University President R. Kirby Godsey conferred an honorary doctor of laws degree on Rep. David E. Lucas, Sr., during the School of Medicine commencement June 1 in Macon. The degree was presented to Lucas in recognition of his dedication to medical education and health care in Georgia.

Lucas has served on the Board of Visitors of Mercer University School of Medicine since 1994. A native of Byron, he was first elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 1975. During his years of service, he has served as vice chair of the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus and as a member of the Policy Committee. He currently chairs the House State Institutions and Property Committee, and as a member of the House Appropriations Committee and House Insurance Committee.

A graduate of Lanier High School in Macon, Lucas earned a bachelor of science degree from Tuskegee Institute, where he excelled in football. In 1993, he was elected to the Tuskegee University Hall of Fame.

More than 1,500 students participated in Mercer University commencements this spring, including 48 students who earned the doctor of medicine degree. Godsey also conferred master’s degrees in family services, family therapy and public health during the Medical School ceremony.

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