Rep. Channell Named to Medicine Board of Governors


Macon, GA —
State Rep. Mickey Channell of Greensboro has been named to the Board of Governors of Mercer University School of Medicine. In this role, he will work with other Board members to provide guidance and advice to administrators of the School of Medicine regarding medical education and the health care needs of Georgians.

A 10-year member of the Georgia House of Representatives, Channell serves on the Ways and Means Committee and the Intra-Governmental Coordination Committee. He serves as chair of the Community Health Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee, and is secretary of the House Transportation Committee.

Channell began his civic career in 1972 as a member of the Greene County Board of Commissioners. He served 12 years on the Greene County Board of Education prior to his election in 1992 as state representative for District 111.

After his election, he was cited by peers as one of the outstanding members of the freshmen representatives elected in 1992. Since then, he has received numerous awards and recognition during his service to the state, including several Legislative Service awards from the

Association of County Commissioners of Georgia, the Georgia Municipal Association, the Georgia Probate Judges Association and the Georgia Hospital Association. The Georgia Rural Health Association named him Legislator of the Year in 1998, the same year the Georgia Hospital Association presented him the Distinguished Public Service Award.

In 2000, he was named Legislator of the Year by the Georgia Alliance of Community Hospitals and received the Legislative Service Award from the Georgia Hospital Association. He is also the recipient of the 1998 Friend of Children Award presented by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the 1999 Children’s Champion Award from Georgians for Children.

Mercer University School of Medicine admitted its charter class in 1982 in response to the need for more physicians in rural and other medically-underserved areas of Georgia. Since then, 561 students have earned their doctor of medicine degrees from Mercer.

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