Students From Across State Participate in Botball at Mercer


WHO:  High school students from across the Southeast, including students from Westside High School in Macon.
WHAT:  Botball – student teams from Georgia high schools compete in a series of challenges using robots they built and programmed. It is part of a national Botball competition sponsored by the KISS Institute for Practical Robotics.
WHEN:   1 p.m., Saturday, April 24.
WHERE:  Mercer University Macon Campus
Human Resources and Recreation Building
Go to North Campus Entrance off College Street. Turn left at stop sign and turn right into parking lot in front of Human Resources Building.
BACKGROUND:  This is the third year Mercer has hosted Botball in Georgia. High school students from across the Southeast will compete for state honors and to advance to national competition in the Botball tournament. Students came to Mercer in March to get a tutorial on the rules of this year’s competition and how to build their robots. The student teams are responsible for building and programming their robots to autonomously perform the tasks required in the competition. Mercer faculty and students will assist in the judging.
There will be many opportunities for video and photos. Media interested in covering the event should contact Jenny Butkus at (478) 301-4037 (office) or (478) 731-3668 (cell phone).

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