Faculty and Staff Notables



College of Continuing and Professional Studies

Kelly Jones, instructor of instructional design and technology, was named a 2011 Governor’s Teaching Fellow and attended the Summer Symposium at the University of Georgia on May 16-27.  The Governor’s Teaching Fellows program, established by former Gov. Zell Miller, provides opportunities for faculty in higher education to acquire additional pedagogical expertise, especially in the area of learning technologies.

Dr. Kenyon Knapp, associate professor of counseling and assistant dean for graduate programs, published a book review of “Families Under Fire: Systemic Therapy with Military Families” in the July edition of the Family Journal.

Dr. Melanie Pavich, assistant professor of interdisciplinary and historical studies, and artist Lynn-Marshall Linnemeier were invited to speak at the Kiwanis Club of Douglasville on Aug. 19 about their work together on Douglass’ Douglas County.  Their project was a unique collaboration combining art, scholarship and community building.  Mercer students enrolled in a summer course that focused on the history of African-Americans in Georgia conducted primary research on the lives of Douglas County residents as well as the naming of the county after Frederick Douglass.  Their research was used by Marshall-Linnemeier to create art work commemorating the county and its people that was exhibited at the Douglas Center as part of the 2011 National Black Arts Festival.

Dr. Zipangani Vokhiwa, assistant professor of science, participated in a discussion and follow-up with counterparts on a potential collaboration related to funding under the United States National Science Foundation: Partnerships for International Research and Education with Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability in Maputo, Mozambique, on May 26-27. This collaboration is connected to the current biodiversity and climate change initiatives under the Millennium Development Goals. Dr. Vokhiwa and Dr. Andre Butler, associate professor of environmental engineering, led a group of 12 students on a Mercer On Mission field trip to Malawi, June 4-25.  Also known as Team Malawi II, the team was hosted by The Zomba Theological College and the National Herbarium and Botanical Gardens of Malawi in Zomba. While in Malawi, the team installed a solar water pump and established a vegetable garden and an orchard at Chuluchosema Orphanage near Ulumba in Zomba, planted indigenous tress at Kanjedza Tree Nursery Community project near Lake Chilwa, and visited orphans at Mangochi Orphanage Education and Training in Mangochi where the first group of Mercer On Mission students established a garden and an orchard in June 2010. In addition, the team went on three excursions at Lake Malawi National Park in Cape Maclear in Mangochi, Liwonde National Park and Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust. Team Malawi II handed-over medical supplies, clothes and other supplies to Chuluchosema in Zomba and Mangochi Orphanage Education and Training in Mangochi sent with them from Acworth United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta and others from the Atlanta area.

College of Liberal Arts

Dr. Natalie J. Bourdon, assistant professor of women’s and gender studies, carried out five weeks of anthropological research in Mtwara, Tanzania titled, “Litigating Rape – Evidence, Legal Procedure and the Sexual Offences Special Provision Act (1998)”. In June, Dr. Bourdon, along with a team from Mercer University, participated in an institute on “Chinese Culture and Humanities: A Faculty Development Institute for Building Chinese Studies” at the University of Hawaii. In July, Dr. Bourdon and Dr. Chris Macklin, assistant professor in the Townsend School of Music, took nine students on a Mercer On Mission program to Tanzania where students built chicken coops to increase income and nutrition for women living with HIV/AIDS in Moshi, Tanzania. Students then spent two weeks on Zanzibar where they used arts, music, and drama to promote awareness and education on HIV/AIDS.

Dr. Heather Bowman Cutway, associate professor of biology, was named one of five leaders under 40 by Macon Magazine. Dr. Bowman Cutway was chosen by a selection of young and established leaders in Macon. The corresponding article is in the August/September issue.

Dr. David A. Davis, assistant professor of English and Southern studies, published the essay, “I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang and the Materiality of Southern Depravity,” in Mississippi Quarterly 63.3 (Summer 2010): 399-418, and he was named to the advisory board for the forthcoming documentary Slavery By Another Name based on Douglas Blackmon’s Pulitzer-prize winning book by the same title. He also took four students to the Southern Writers, Southern Writing conference at the University of Mississippi: Jaclyn Crumbley presented “This was My Best Friend and Benefactor:  Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison,” Jay Hood presented “Deconstructing the Southern Epic Chronotope,” Stephen Kearse presented “Defying Objectivity: An Exploration of Ethnocentrism in Jonah’s Gourd Vine,” and Carl V. Lewis presented “Transcending the ‘Surface Froth’: Atlanta’s Newspaper Coverage of the 1960 Sit-ins.”

Dr. John M. Dunaway, professor of French and interdisciplinary studies, traveled to Paris to confer with Jean-Louis Chrétien, the author of “Sous le regard de la Bible/Under the Gaze of the Bible,” which he is translating for publication by Fordham University Press. He also conferred with Denise Volkoff, associate professor emerita and widow of Vladimir Volkoff, whose last novel, Le Tortionnaire/The Torturer, which he is also translating.

Dr. Gordon Johnston, professor of English, had two poems, titled “Ties” and “Her Father’s Pants,” published in Writing on Napkins in the Sunshine Club, a new anthology of Macon poets just out from Mercer University Press. He also participated in a two-week residential workshop on Chinese culture at the East-West Center on the University of Hawai’i Manoa campus in June.

Dr. Paul Lewis, associate professor of Christianity, published two pieces in the Polanyi Society journal, Tradition and Discovery 37 (3) 2010-2011. The first was a review article, “The Emerging Comprehensive Moral Psychology of Darcia Narvaez,” and the second was a book review of Gerd Gigerenzer’s Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious.

Dr. Shawn Loht, visiting assistant professor, published a book review of the title The Cambridge Companion to Hegel and 19th-Century German Philosophy in the September issue of the journal Teaching Philosophy. He also presented a paper, titled “Current Perspectives on Heidegger and Cinema: The Work of Terrence Malick and Film Phenomenology,” at the 5th meeting of the Heidegger Research Group in Messkirch, Germany, May 29.

Dr. Frank Macke, professor in department of communication studies and theatre, presented a paper, titled “Therapy, Vulnerability, and Feeling in the Interstices of Embodied Expression: An Explication of Human Communicative Experience,” at the Fifth International Communicology Institute Symposium, Human Understanding: The Matrix of Communication and Culture, and Communicology: Applied Pedagogy and Research Seminar held in Jelenia Gora, Silesia, Poland, July 15-22. He also presented a paper, titled “The Dream and the Self: Consciousness, Identity, the Sign, and the Image,” at the 30th International Human Science Research Conference, Intertwining Body-Self-World, hosted by the Open University and held at St. Catherine’s College of Oxford University, July 27-30. Dr. Macke also published an article, titled “A Semiotic Phemenology of ‘Contact’: The Phatic Function of Body and Flesh in Jakobson’s Model of Communication,” in The American Journal of Semiotics, vol. 27 (2011), pages 81–94.

Scot J. Mann, associate professor of communication and theatre, directed the musical, I Love You, You’re Perfect; Now Change, for Mercer Theatre before embarking on a summer of choreography, master classes and workshops.  He choreographed violence and stunts for Georgia Shakespeare’s productions of Antony and Cleopatra and Noises Off, as well as their children’s theater production of The Jungle Book.  After teaching for Georgia Tech’s Drama Camp, Mann traveled to the outdoor drama Tecumseh! where he taught master classes in unarmed for film, case of rapiers, and bullwhip.  He also taught skills proficiency renewals in single sword, rapier and dagger and unarmed through the Society of American Fight Directors.  Returning to Georgia, Mann instructed knife and tomahawk throwing, double stick and bullwhip for the first ever “Whips, Sticks, and Flyin’ Knives” workshop, sponsored by Action Arts and Mercer Theatre hosted by Theatre Macon.

Dr. Randall Peters, professor of physics, and medical colleagues Erskine James and Michael Russell, supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, has been mentioned in an article in Physics Today, Volume 64, Issue 8, page 24 in Aug. 2011, titled “Harnessing consumer mobile devices for science” by American Institute of Physics Editor Jermey N. A. Matthews. The article is online at http://physicstoday.org/resource/1/phtoad/v64/i8/p24_s1?bypassSSO=1

Dr. Richard F. Wilson, Columbus Roberts Professor of Theology and chair of the Roberts Department of Christianity, led his third Mercer On Mission team to the Ricks Institute near Monrovia, Liberia. Dr. Wilson collaborated with Dr. Emilie Paille of the Tift College of Education and Dr. Olu Menjay, headmaster of the school and CLA graduate. The Mercer On Mission team of 12 students and three faculty completed an intensive practicum for Tift students, who worked alongside Liberian teachers for three full weeks, and also had stunning in-country experiences in conjunction with a course, “Peace and Reconciliation in Post-War Liberia.” Over the first week in July, Wilson also participated in the annual meetings of the Baptist World Alliance in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Dr. Wilson is early in a five-year term as chair of the Commission on Christian Ethics. He coordinated and convened six hours of seminars over five days for members of the commission and guests.

Dr. Fletcher Winston, associate professor of sociology, presented a paper, titled “Outcome-based Determinants of Student Activism,” at the American Sociological Association annual meeting in Las Vegas, Aug. 20-22. He also accompanied two recent Mercer graduates, Rebecca Wells and Stephanie Hennigan, who presented empirical research papers completed for their sociology major.

Dr. Marian Zielinski, professor in department of communication and theatre arts presented a paper, titled “A Communicology of Scenic Space” at the Fifth International Communicology Institute Symposium, Human Understanding: The Matrix of Communication and Culture, and Communicology: Applied Pedagogy and Research Seminar, held in Jelenia Gora, Silesia, Poland, July 15-22. She also presented a paper, titled “Transforming Fiber: Art as Embodied Inquiry into Visual Perception, Imagination, and Tactile Experience,” at the 30th International Human Science Research Conference, Intertwining Body-Self-World, hosted by the Open University and held at St. Catherine’s College of Oxford University, UK  July 27-30. Zielinski also earned a second place award for her art quilt, “Julia” exhibited in the Middle Georgia Art Association’s show, Figures, May 20-June 10. She also exhibited six fiber art pieces produced between 2009–2011 in a gallery exhibit, titled “The Fiber Art of Marian Zielinski and Susan Coburn,” at the Gallery of Theatre Macon, May 20–June 1.

College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Dr. Laurel Ashworth, professor and vice chair for administration, has been chosen as a fellow in the Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program and will be participating in workshops at the University of Georgia throughout the 2011-2012 academic year. She is also serving as the vice-chairman of the State of Georgia’s Drug Utilization Review Board, the governor’s advisory group for the state’s Medicaid formulary.

Dr. Ajay K. Banga, professor, and Haripriya Kalluri, Ph.D. student, co-authored a paper, titled “Effects of chemical and physical enhancement techniques on transdermal delivery of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) in vitro,” in Pharmaceutics 2011; 3(3): 474-484.

Dr. Lisa M. Lundquist, clinical associate professor, Dr. Susan W. Miller, professor, and Dr. Annesha W. Lovett, research assistant professor, received $1,215 for “Using films to teach in pharmacy education” from the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences’ Teaching and Learning Development Grant. Dr. Lundquist, also co-authored “Spinosad for treatment of head lice infestation” in Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2011; 45(7-8):954-59. She also received the 2011 Outstanding Committee Chair of the Year award from Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Dr. Kathryn M. Momary, assistant professor, co-authored “Firefighters, heart disease, and aspects of insulin resistance: the FEMA firefighter heart disease prevention study,” in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2011; 53(7):758-764.

Dr. Gina J. Ryan, clinical associate professor, Dr. Karla T.  Foster and Dr. Lynetta J. Jobe, co-authored “Review of the therapeutic uses of liraglutide” in Clinical Therapeutics 2011; 33(7): 793-811. Also, Dr. Ryan and Dr. Joseph T. Dye, assistant professor, co-authored “Diabetes concentration programs: impact on graduates’ diabetes care services” in American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.2011: 75(6):112. Dr. Ryan was also appointed to the 2011-2012 Editorial Advisory Board for American Journal of Health-System Pharmacists.

Dr. Chalet Tan, assistant professor, received the 2010 Scientific and Technology Achievement Award (Level III) from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, for the development of “Innovative and novel approaches for assessing risk due to chemical exposures using metabolomics.”

Dr. Leslie F. Taylor, professor, Dr. Lisa M. Lundquist, clinical associate professor, Dr. David C. Parish, Dr. Virginia D. Domico and Dr. Nannette C. Turner, received a $15,720.40 grant for “Conducting an interprofessional fall prevention program and exploring the development of a university center for the promotion of healthy aging,” from Mercer’s Academic Initiative Monetary Fund.

Eugene W. Stetson School of Business & Economics

Dr. Steven McClung, associate professor of marketing and director of graduate studies-Macon, published “The Immorality of Illegal Downloading: The Role of Anticipated Guilt and General Emotions” in Computers in Human Behavior. Dr. McClung and a co-author will present “Using affect as a tool for target market homogenization: Sportswear advertising among the community of sports participants” at the Florida Communication Association Conference Oct. 13-15 in Tampa, Fla.

Dr. Vijaya Subrahmanyam, professor of finance, wrote “China’s Financial Sector: A new focus on City and Rural Bank” for China Currents, Vol 10, No. 1, and “Competitiveness in India and China: The FDI Puzzle” with Dr. Penelope Prime and C. Lin for Asia Pacific Business Review, being published in 2012. Additionally, she co-authored “The differential impact of financial regulation on financial institutions over 2007-2009,” which was accepted for presentation at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International to be held in Denver, Colo., in October. She also wrote an opinion piece for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, titled “U.S. Debt crisis – the debt ceiling debate,” published July 17.

Georgia Baptist College of Nursing

Dr. Lanell Bellury, associate professor, presented a poster presentation, “Elderly Breast Cancer Survivors: Preliminary Descriptive Data,” at the Feb. 11 National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research in Los Angeles, Calif. She also was the lead author on the article published in July, titled “Elderly cancer survivorship: An integrative review and conceptual framework,” in the European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(3), 233-242.

Dr. Freida Fuller, professor, and Brenda Rowe, associate professor, presented “Interdisciplinary Work and Cultural Awareness During a Medical Mission Experience in Vietnam” at the Sigma Theta Tau International’s 22nd International Nursing Research Congress and the World Academy of Nursing Science 2nd International Nursing Research Conference held in July in Cancun, Mexico.  The research was a result of the Mercer On Mission trip to Vietnam during May and June 2010.

Elaine Harris, clinical associate professor, was appointed to several advisory boards, including to the Palliative Care Planning Team for Atlanta Medical Center Intensive Care Unit; Ethics Committee for Portsbridge Hospice, Atlanta; the advisory board at Hospice Atlanta, and the board of trustees for Developmental Disabilities Ministries.

Dr. Laura Kimble, professor and Piedmont Healthcare Endowed Chair, gave a presentation, titled “Construct Validity of the Kimble Household Activities Scale in Women with Heart Disease,” at the July Sigma Theta Tau International’s 22nd International Nursing Research Congress in Cancun, Mexico. Dr. Kimble was also the lead author of an article published in February, titled “Symptom clusters and health-related quality of life in patients with chronic stable angina,” in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(5), 1000-1011.

Jill Ray, clinical assistant professor, was appointed as presidential advisor to the Georgia Association of Nursing Students

Dr. Linda Streit, dean and professor, was elected to serve as chair for the Georgia Association of Nursing Deans and Directors. She was also invited to serve on the planning committee for the 2011 Southern Regional Education Board Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing. In addition, Dr. Streit was invited to serve on the finance committee for the same group.  She was also selected to serve on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Leader Development Ad-Hoc Webinar Planning Group.


James and Carolyn McAfee School of Theology

Dr. R. Alan Culpepper, dean, completed the Christian Leaders Institute sponsored by the American Jewish Committee at the Shalon Hartman Institute in Jerusalem this summer. He also had the following chapters in books published: “A Sample of Baptist Contributions to Johannine Scholarship (1940-2010),” in the ‘Plainly Revealed’ Word of God? Baptist Hermeneutics in Theory and Practice, edited by Helen Dare and Simon Woodman (Macon: Mercer University Press, 2011), 30-71; “The Rationale for Missions,” co-authored with Hugo H. Culpepper, in On Mission with God:  Free and Faithful Baptists in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Pamela R. Durso (Atlanta: Baptist History and Heritage Society, 2011), 21-34; and “Mark 6:17-29 in Its Narrative Context:  Kingdoms in Conflict,” in Mark as Story:  Retrospect and Prospect, edited by Kelly R. Iverson and Christopher W. Skinner (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011), 145-163.

School of Engineering

Dr. George Hayhoe, professor, participated in the annual plenary meeting of the International Organization for Standardization software and systems documentation working group in Paris, France, May 23-27.

Dr. Richard O. Mines Jr., director of the Master of Science in Engineering and associated Master of Science programs and professor of environmental engineering, participated in a workshop Aug. 11-12 involving the modeling and design of wastewater treatment plants using BIOWIN software.

Dr. Laura Moody, associate professor of industrial engineering and industrial management, participated in the second annual National Science Foundation sponsored National Meeting on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Concept Inventories in Washington, D.C., Aug. 8-9.

School of Medicine

Dr. Kerry L. Coburn, professor, and Dr. Ali S. Gonul have had the following paper accepted for publication: Kitis, O., Ozgun, O., Zengin, B., Haznedaroglu, D., Eker, C., Yalvac, D., Oguz, K.., Coburn, K.L., Gonul, A.S. “Reduced left uncinate fasciculus fractional anisotropy in deficit schizophrenia but not in nondeficit schizophrenia,” Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. Dr. Coburn also recently published two chapters in the Handbook of Alzheimer’s Disease: Coburn, K.L., Olichney, J.M., Ashford, J.W. (2011) “Electromagnetic brain mapping,” and Ashford, J.W., Coburn, K.L., Rose, T., Bayley, P. “The topography of P300 energy loss in aging and Alzheimer’s disease,” J.W. Ashford et al., editors, Handbook of Alzheimer’s Disease: Neuroimaging IOS Press (2011). Both articles will also be published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Dr. Dayle A. Daines, assistant professor of microbiology, presented a poster, titled “The Curious ‘Alternative Lifestyle’ of Haemophilus influenza,” at the 111th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in New Orleans, La., May 21-24.  Co-authors were Dr. Dabin Ren, research fellow, and Dr. Xin-Xing Gu, of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The American Society for Microbiology is the oldest and largest single life science membership organization in the world, with more than 43,000 members.

Dr. Richard L.  Elliott, professor and director of medical ethics, delivered the address at the 2011 White Coat ceremony for new medical students and their families, speaking on “Gee Whiz Medicine:  What or who are the real medical marvels?”  Dr. Elliott also published  ”Neuropsychiatry in the Courtroom” in the Spring 2011 Mercer Law Review, “Does combat trauma cause a majority of PTSD symptoms in combat veterans” in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, and “The anencephalic infant” in the Summer edition of the Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia.

Dr. Paul Gallant, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral science, co-authored “Narrative therapy with couples,” in Case Studies in Couples Therapy: Theory-Based Approaches, Carson, D. and Casado- Kehoe, M., New York: Routledge. Pp. 289-301 in July.

Dr. Jinping Li, instructor, and Dr. Edward Klatt, professor, attended the 15th Annual Meeting of International Association of Medical Science Educators held in St. Petersburg, Fla., June 18-21. Their poster presentation, authored by Drs. Li, Shi-Wen Jiang and Klatt, titled “Student Usage of Streaming Video/DVD Electronic Media in a Basic Science Curriculum,” won the Best Poster Award for the meeting.

Dr. Steve Livingston, associate professor and director of the family therapy program, has been appointed by Gov. Nathan Deal to the Georgia Composite Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists. Dr. Livingston will serve as one of three LMFT Composite Board members on this licensure regulatory board beginning Sept. 1.

Dr. Robert J. McKallip, assistant professor of immunology, and Jingping Sun, research assistant III, recently published a manuscript, titled “Plumbagin treatment leads to apoptosis in human K562 leukemia cells through increased ROS and elevated TRAIL receptors expression,” in the journal Leukemia Research on July 7.

Laurie Rea, administrative coordinator, was elected to serve as the chair of the Mercer Staff Council for the 2011-2012 term, which began July 1. Currently, she is the administrative coordinator for the Department of Biomedical Sciences on the Savannah campus. Prior to that, she was the administrative secretary for the Department of Community Medicine on the Macon campus. She has served on the staff council for three years and will complete the last year on the council in this leadership role.

Tift College of Education

Dr. Jane Metty, assistant professor of education, presented at the State CSCOPE conference in San Antonio, Texas, on Aug. 2.  The audience was primarily school administrators.  The subject of the presentation was a successful implementation of a district mandated standards based curriculum K-12. More than 3,000 administrators and teachers were in attendance at the conference. Dr. Metty also conducted a workshop designed to expose girls to what engineers do and to provide some hands-on learning using scientific thinking through construction of balloon cars and application of Newton’s Laws. The symposium provided elementary and junior high students from Henry County schools an opportunity to experience a variety of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields during their first annual Woman in Science STEM Symposium held at the Locust Grove Community Center on June 23.  More than 250 girls were in attendance.

Townsend School of Music

Amy Schwartz Moretti, director of the Robert McDuffie Center for Strings, associate professor and Caroline Paul King chair of violin, was guest artist at the Summer Festival of the Seattle Chamber Music Society at Benaroya Hall in Seattle, Wash., July 15, 17, 22, 23, 25, 27, and 29. She performed works by Haydn, Mendelssohn, Dvorák, Shostakovich, Beethoven, Boccherini, collaborating with artists James Ehnes, Richard O’Neill, Robert deMaine, Nurit Bar-Josef, Bion Tsang, Edward Arron, Alon Goldstein, Johannes Moser, Anton Nel, Erin Keefe and Jon Kimura Parker. The performances were streamed online and submitted for broadcast on “Performance Today.” Moretti coached and performed at the Rome Chamber Music Festival at Gonfalone Oratory in Italy where she is education coordinator, June 5-9. She performed works by Corelli, Vivaldi, Porpora, Dvorák, Glass, Paganini, Franck, Moretti collaborated with Mansfield and Genelle Jennings Distinguished University Professor Robert McDuffie, G. Leslie Fabian chair of music and Piano Chair Elizabeth Pridgen, McDuffie Center Distinguished Artist Lawrence Dutton, McDuffie Center Distinguished Artist and Cello Chair Julie Albers, Massimo Delle Cese, Daniele Bovo, Ivano Zanenghi, and Elena Matteucci. Several Mercer Center for Strings students were selected to participate in the festival’s Young Artist Program: Yoomin Lee, Levi Mitze, Lavena Johanson, Michael Minor, Conrad Thomas, Adriel Taslim, Tim Richardson, Miranda Henne, Elizabeth Skinner and Jessica Pickersgill. At the Grand Teton Music Festival in Jackson Hole, Wyo., Aug. 12-13, Moretti served as concertmaster of the Festival Orchestra, performing Elgar, Beethoven and Brahms with music director Donald Runnicles and guest artist, pianist Yefim Bronfman. Moretti also appeared in concerts at the Fayetteville Chamber Music Festival in Texas, May 13 and 14, performing works by Dvorák, Tor Aulin, Laura Pistolekors Netzel, collaborating with artists Michelle Schumann, Andrzej Bauer and Péter Nagy; and at the Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival in Florida May 20 and 25, collaborating with McDuffie Center Distinguished Artist David Halen, McDuffie Center Distinguished Artist Kurt Muroki, Zuill Bailey, Steve Moretti, Christopher Rex, Sabina Thatcher and the Linden String Quartet. Moretti and Pridgen assisted Center students Yoomin Lee, Elizabeth Skinner, Lavena Johansen and Miranda Henne at the McDuffie Center Showcase Concert at the Amelia Island Festival on May 21. Moretti is coordinating the Robert McDuffie and Friends Labor Day Festival for Strings on campus Sept. 1-5.

University Libraries

E. Lee Twombly, circulation services outreach librarian and assistant professor, wrote “Hiring and Firing: Basic Practices for Public Services Middle Managers in Academic Libraries,” which was published in Middle Management in Academic and Public Libraries in May.

Walter F. Georgia School of Law

Linda Jellum, associate professor, published the following articles: “But That Is Absurd! Why Specific Absurdity Undermines Textualism,” in the Brooklyn Law Review, “The Art of Statutory Interpretation:  Identifying the Interpretive Theory of the Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans’ Claims and the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit,” in the University Louisville Law Review, “The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans’ Claims:  Has it Mastered Chevron’s Step Zero” in the Veterans Law Review and “Neither Fish nor Fowl: Administrative Judges in the Modern Administrative State,” in the Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice. She also presented “Shrinking the First-Year Courses: Making Difficult Content Choices” at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools’ Annual Conference in Hilton Head Island, S.C., July 26, and “Comparing Public Participation and Transparency in the European Union’s and United States’ Normal Creation” at the Law and Society Association 2011 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, Calif., June 3.

David Ritchie, associate professor of law, participated in an international roundtable discussion on “Global Challenges for Legal Education” at the recent Southeast Association of Law Schools conference in Hilton Head, S.C.  He is a member of the SEALS South American working group.  While attending the conference, he also gave a talk, titled “The 1988 Brazilian Constitution and Social Composition.” 

Jennifer Sheppard, associate professor of law, received the 2010-2011 Eisenberg Prize for the best article on appellate practice and procedure from the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers on May 13. The American Academy of Appellate Lawyers, a professional organization of selected lawyers who specialize in appellate practice, sponsors an award named for the late Howard B. Eisenberg, dean of the Marquette University Law School and an early member of the organization. The prize-winning article is “Once Upon a Time, Happily Ever After, and in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Using Narrative to Fill the Cognitive Gap Left by Overreliance on Pure Logic in Appellate Briefs and Motion Memoranda.”