April Cantrell honored to be part of Mercer experience | Worker Bears

April Cantrell

It takes a lot of people to make Mercer University the institution that it is. The students have and always will be the lifeblood of our University, but Mercer wouldn’t be Mercer without expert faculty members to pass on their knowledge and highly-skilled staff members to manage day-to-day operations. Our “Worker Bears” series highlights the Mercer employees who work tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to care for our University and our students.

Meet April Cantrell

Title: Assistant Registrar

How long she’s worked at Mercer: 14 years

What she does: “I work in cooperation with other administrative office staff such as Financial Planning and Bursar to ensure that all Mercer students, at all campus locations, are reported for their enrollment and degrees accurately. I am part of a team of staff who processes and evaluates withdrawal documentation dates and accuracy. In addition, I also maintain all the records for employee FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) agreements at Mercer.”

What she loves most about her work: “The people here are like family and genuinely care for each other and the students attending here. All of our offices offer a small part of a student’s educational experience. Our students’ ideas represent future discoveries in areas of impact and change throughout the world. If I can play even a small part in that progression of a student’s experience, I am honored.

“I love watching a student embrace opportunities here, not only through academics, but also through organizations and activities throughout Mercer that they will never forget. To watch a student begin as a freshman and progress through their educational career to graduate successfully is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever been a part of.”


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