Atlanta Research Conference announces student research awards

Student presents at the 2019 Atlanta Research Conference

Mercer University’s Atlanta Research Conference is held each spring to showcase work by students and faculty from the Cecil B. Day Graduate and Professional Campus and Regional Academic Centers.

The 10th annual conference, originally set for March 28, was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the conference’s planning committee has made the event program available online in order to recognize the presentations that were accepted to this year’s conference, as well as the winners of the 2020 Monroe F. Swilley Jr. Library Student Research Awards.

The Swilley Library Student Research Awards, which include a cash prize, are presented to students whose research submissions best incorporate the use of the University Library’s collections and services and demonstrate active critical thinking.

David Henderson in the Tift College of Education won first place for “On the Shoulders of Giants: Helping Students Understand Mathematics Through its History,” and Neha Chitre in the College of Pharmacy won second place for “Assessing the Role of Dopamine in the Differential Neurotoxicity Patterns of Stimulants.”

Learn more about this year’s Atlanta Research Conference at


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