Mercer University alumnus Nnamdi Onyekwuluje remembers times when as a student he needed to wear professional attire but didn’t have any. “I can remember being in undergrad and having to scramble for a blazer when I had something important to...
As we ramp up for the new academic year, Dr. Lynn Denny, medical director for Mercer Medicine Campus Health, talked to The Den about how to get health care at the recently reorganized on-campus medical clinic. Campus Health used to...
Mercer University’s Opening Days are just a few weeks away, and that means the residence halls will soon be bustling with activity once again. The University has nine residence halls on the Macon campus, many of which are named...
Mercer Singers joined worldwide reflection of D-Day The winds of history changed course on June 6, 1944, when the Allied forces took to the beaches of Normandy for a battle code named “Operation Overlord” at the height of World War...
Fifteen years ago, six students in a Mercer University literature course approached their professor about teaching a writing class for working adult undergraduate students in the College of Professional Advancement.   With the blessing of the college’s leadership, their professor, Dr....
Big changes are coming to the Mercer University student dining experience this fall, including expanded meal options and contactless food pickup in the Connell Student Center.  The improvements are part of a major rebranding of Mercer Dining to Mercer Culinary...
Mercer University students voted at a record rate in the last presidential election, and a campus coalition is working to achieve high voter turnout again this year.  In the lead-up to the November presidential election, Mercer Votes has launched a...
Graduation is an exciting end to your chapter at Mercer University, but don’t speed up the goodbye. Whether it’s squeezing in time with all of your friends, showing off your city to your family or visiting your favorite spot...
Throughout their time at Mercer University, Adam Mobley and Madison Mobley have been a constant source of support for each other.  Now, the husband and wife are graduating from the College of Education together. Both will receive Bachelor of Science...
Senior Olivia Scott went out on Mercer University's Macon campus to ask fellow students, "What advice would you give your freshman self?" for the latest edition of "Bear on the Street." Video by Katie Volz