Doctor of Psychology Program has Fourth Consecutive 100% Phase I Internship Match Rate


ATLANTA – Mercer University’s College of Health Professions, for the fourth consecutive year, has a 100% Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) Phase I match rate for students in the Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) degree program.

APPIC Phase I internship matches were announced Feb. 21; the national Phase I match rate is 87%.

Mercer PsyD students were matched with internship positions at institutions such as Harvard University/Cambridge Health Alliance, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, Auburn University, Georgia State University and the University of Texas Health Sciences Center.

“We are very proud of our students’ track record of success in the internship match,” said Dr. Craig Marker, professor and chair of the Department of Clinical Psychology in the College of Health Professions. “Our students have an extensive background in interprofessional training, which makes them great fits for internship sites. These students are well on their way to becoming exemplary integrated healthcare professionals.”

APPIC’s two-phase internship matching program provides an orderly process to help applicants obtain positions in psychology internship programs of their choice, and to help internship programs obtain applicants of their choice. Similar matching programs are in use in many other health professions, including medicine.

Mercer’s PsyD program, offered on the Cecil B. Day Graduate and Professional Campus in Atlanta, is a five-year course of study designed to produce graduates who are eligible for licensure as practicing clinical psychologists, particularly in interdisciplinary healthcare settings. Students are led by a distinguished faculty in a stimulating learning environment of integrated didactic courses and a variety of clinical experiences.

About the College of Health Professions

Mercer University’s College of Health Professions is composed of five disciplines: physical therapy, physician assistant studies, public health, clinical psychology, and athletic training. The College offers a doctoral-level physical therapy program, master’s-level physician assistant program, bachelor’s- and master’s-level public health programs, doctoral-level program in clinical psychology, and master’s-level athletic training program. The Department of Physical Therapy offers residencies in orthopaedic, neurologic and cardiovascular/pulmonary physical therapy; a fellowship in orthopaedic manual physical therapy; and an onsite clinic. Each program is housed in a department that provides students with comprehensive didactic courses taught by an extraordinary faculty and extensive clinical experience enhanced by outstanding service-learning opportunities. For more information, visit