Graduate Spotlight: Armaan Verma

armaan verma stands on a sidewalk on the historic quad
Armaan Verma

Armaan Verma, a Class of 2023 graduate of Mercer University‘s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, earned a Bachelor of Science in biology.

What are your plans after graduation?

I am excited to be attending Georgia Tech for my master’s degree in biomedical innovation and development. My goal is to combine my passion for technology and health care to make a meaningful impact in improving patient care and outcomes through the development of cutting-edge medical devices.

What is one of your favorite Mercer memories?

My favorite Mercer memories revolve around the times I spent hanging out with my friends on campus. The spontaneous movie nights, chaotic cooking days and late night study sessions will always be moments to remember. In addition, the organizations I was apart of on campus helped me explore my passions. They remind me of the incredible friendships I formed and the sense of belonging I felt within the Mercer community.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

One piece of advice I have for incoming students is to embrace the opportunities for personal and academic growth that college provides. Take advantage of clubs, organizations and activities on campus that align with your interests. Step out of your comfort zone and try new things. It’s a great way to meet new people, develop new skills and broaden your horizons. In addition, college life can be exciting and overwhelming at times. It’s important to establish a balance between academics, social life and self-care. Prioritize your responsibilities, manage your time effectively and practice self-care to avoid burnout. Enjoy the journey, make connections and cherish every moment because it goes fast!

How did Mercer prepare you for your future?

Mercer University’s rigorous academic programs equipped me with a strong foundation of knowledge and critical thinking skills in my field of study. The supportive and dedicated professors guided and challenged me to reach my full potential. Additionally, Mercer provided me with practical experiences and research opportunities that allowed me to apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios. Mercer’s commitment to service encouraged me to make a positive impact to the community around me. Furthermore, the tight-knit Mercer community and the connections I formed have been invaluable in opening doors and providing ongoing support as I navigate my future.

What makes Mercer special to you?

Mercer holds a special place in my heart because of the tight-knit community it fosters. The university provides a supportive and inclusive environment where students are encouraged to pursue their passions and reach their full potential. The strong connections I formed with faculty, peers and alumni have had a lasting impact on my personal and professional growth. Mercer is a home away from home, and I will always cherish my time at Mercer.

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