Graduate Spotlight: Caroline Ulsaker

a student holds a graduation cap up in the air
Caroline Ulsaker. Photo by Marin Guta

Caroline Ulsaker is graduating from Mercer University’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with a Bachelor of Science in chemical commerce.

What are your plans after graduation?

I will be obtaining my Master of Business Administration.

Who was your favorite professor and why?

Dr. Kevin Bucholtz, professor of chemistry and director of chemical commerce, was my favorite professor. He challenged me like no other professor. He also opened my mind to other career opportunities and helped me think about how I can be successful in anything if I truly applied myself. I will always be grateful to Dr. B for the guidance he gave me during my time as an undergrad.

What was your favorite class and why?

My favorite class has to be organic chemistry II. This class not only humbled me but taught me how to adapt and overcome study struggles. I enjoyed the puzzles that were presented every day in class and how the synthesis problems allowed me to be creative in solving the puzzle.

How do you plan on changing the world?

While at Mercer, I have learned how starting small can make a huge impact. I want to become a doctor in rural Georgia, which might have a smaller community to work with. I plan on changing the world by touching one life at a time. The smaller impacts add up to even greater impacts and a closer community, so I hope to one day use this strategy in my life to change many lives.

What makes Mercer special to you?

Mercer helped me to figure out who I truly am. I had several challenges to overcome both physically and mentally when I arrived at college, and Mercer helped me develop the skills to not only overcome these challenges but to thrive while overcoming. I am so thankful to Mercer for the opportunities I have been presented with.

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