Graduate Spotlight: Courtney Gordon

A woman in a mercer shirt stands in front of the tift college of education
Courtney Gordon

Courtney Gordon is graduating from Mercer University‘s Tift College of Education with a Master of Arts in Teaching degree in elementary education.

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan to teach third grade in Coweta County.

Who was your favorite professor and why? 

Dr. William Lacefield was my favorite professor because he not only loved education and the teaching profession, he truly loved all of his students. His passion for mathematics and education was contagious.

What was your favorite class and why?

My favorite class was EMAT 667 — Teaching Mathematics in Elementary Education: Number Sense and Operations. I already loved math, but Dr. Lacefield taught that class with so much passion, it made me even more excited to teach math and bring his ideas into the classroom with me.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Don’t give up! There will be stressors, but take college one day at a time. Visualize yourself walking across that stage and receiving your diploma, and do not give up until that visualization is your reality!

What makes Mercer special to you?

I received my bachelor’s degree in business administration from Mercer in 2004. Because I had such a positive undergraduate experience, when I decided to pursue a new career in education, Mercer was my first choice for returning to school 15 years later to receive my master’s degree.

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