Graduate Spotlight: Earl and Logan Ford

A man and woman stand in a grassy field in front of a clock tower
Earl and Logan Ford

Earl and Logan Ford are 2022 graduates of Mercer University. Earl earned a Master of Science degree in biomedical sciences from the School of Medicine. Logan earned a Master of Business Administration from the Stetson-Hatcher School of Business. Both also hold undergraduate degrees from Mercer.

What are your plans after graduation?

Earl will continue his education in the biomedical sciences by pursuing a Ph.D. degree in toxicology at North Carolina State University. Logan will continue to work as a full-time staff accountant at Saturna and Co., a Macon-based accounting firm.

What is one of your favorite Mercer memories?

Our favorite Mercer memory would have to be getting the opportunity it share our love for Mercer and each other with our families and closest friends at our wedding in Newton Chapel in February 2022.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Take time for yourself. Don’t get too caught up in the stress of school and classes and forget to take time to go for a walk, read a book, play a game or just go to the caf with your roommates. It makes a HUGE difference in your outlook on everything that is going on around you.

How did Mercer prepare you for your future?

Mercer prepared us for our futures, as different as they are, by teaching us to think, research and work together. In our time at Mercer over the last few years, we have both been able to see the impact of the teachings that Mercer faculty and staff are imbuing students with and how it prepares students to change the world. The future will be a better place because of the lessons learned both in and out of the classroom at Mercer.

What makes Mercer special to you?

Mercer is special to us in so many ways. It provided a place of learning and growth as both students and adults, a home away from home, a space to be ourselves, and it allowed us to meet and ultimately get married. Mercer has provided us both with lifelong friends, colleagues and mentors. It will forever be a special place for us both, and maybe one day we will again call it home.

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