Graduate Spotlight: Gwenevere Wrye

Gwenevere Wrye wears a black graduation gown and orange stoll
Gwenevere Wrye. Photo by Becca Young

Gwenevere Wrye is graduating from Mercer University‘s School of Engineering with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in biomedical engineering.

What are your plans after graduation?

I will be pursuing a Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics from Kennesaw State University.

Who was your favorite professor and why?

My favorite professor was Dr. Edward O’Brien, professor of biomedical engineering. I learned so much from him, but he also taught me so much about myself. He pushed me to think critically and taught me I am capable of so much more than I ever thought. His classes have been some of my hardest but also my favorite at Mercer.

What was your favorite class and why?

My favorite classes were those I took as part of Mercer On Mission to Cambodia, where we fit hundreds of amputees with prosthetics. The skills we learned in prosthesis fitting and gait analysis were helpful on the trip and will also stick with me during my graduate education.

How do you plan on changing the world?

I plan to use my undergraduate and graduate education to help underserved populations obtain prostheses and orthoses. I want to focus on the design, build and fit of prostheses for people living in low-income neighborhoods, prisons and poverty abroad. Some day I hope to travel the world full time educating prosthetists and orthotists.

What makes Mercer special to you?

Mercer will always have a special place in my heart. From the memories on campus to traveling abroad with Mercer on Mission to the people I have met here, Mercer has taught me so much about myself. These past few years have by no means been easy, but they have taught me that I am so much stronger than I thought!

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