Graduate Spotlight: Kristin Ware

kristin ware stands on steps while wearing graduation gown
Kristin Ware. Photo by Dean Yusuf

Kristin Ware, a Class of 2023 graduate from Mercer University‘s School of Music, earned a Bachelor of Music in Performance, harp.

What are your plans after graduation?

My plans after graduation are to go back home to rest and spend some time with my family and then start my career as a freelancing gig harpist full time and whatever else may pique my interest.

Who was your favorite professor and why?

My favorite professors were my harp professor, Calista Koch; my piano teacher, Dr. Ian Altman; and my choir director, Stanley Roberts. All three of these professors made Mercer feel like a home and showed so much care and support throughout my four years at Mercer. I made some of my best friends in class piano, Mercer Singers and university choir. Their care and support for me through some of the rough times that I experienced throughout my college experience gave me the strength and encouragement I needed to stick it out.

What is one of your favorite Mercer memories?

One of my favorite Mercer memories was doing my very first Mercer football game as a member of the Mercer Maniacs with my friend, Naomi. It was such a joyful and fun experience that helped me find and bind with so many new people. The experience, memories and photos helped start a great freshman year for me.

What was your favorite class and why?

Picking just one is impossible, but I loved Mercer Singers, class piano, INT 201, and my harp ensemble class. The music and friends I made in Mercer Singers and harp ensemble had such a great effect on my life and social life throughout my four years at Mercer and introduced me to some amazing people. I loved my INT course as it introduced me to some truly amazing people and challenged me to approach critical thinking and writing in topics I had never written about before, which was a great adventure. It was an amazing class to finish off my last semester at Mercer.

How do you plan on changing the world?

I plan on changing the world by spreading the joy and wonder of music, especially harp music, to as many people as humanly possible. Many people have never heard or seen a harp in real life, and I want to change that!

What advice do you have for incoming students?

My advice for incoming students is that, yes, your grades, classes and career are incredibly important, but taking care of your mental and physical health, and making new friends and memories are just as important. Always find balance that works for you. It doesn’t need to work for anyone but you, and that’s OK.

How did Mercer prepare you for your future?

Mercer prepared me for the future by increasing my work ethic and perseverance. It showed me how to do what’s best for me while also making an impact on others. And it showed me just how important having a strong community and friend group is in college and in every aspect outside of college.

What makes Mercer special to you?

Mercer is special to me because it is small and tight knit. It introduced me to programs I love, friends I’ll have for life, and many professors who influenced and supported me. Mercer’s beautiful campus and people will always have a special place in my heart.

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