Graduate Spotlight: Simone Bromfield

simone bromfield in black cap and gown
Simone Bromfield. Photo courtesy Simone Bromfield

Simone Bromfield is graduating from Mercer University‘s Stetson-Hatcher School of Business with a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in marketing.

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation, I plan on acquiring a career in the field of marketing communications as I’m passionate about content creation, research initiatives, business development, communications and writing almost anything. I also enjoy finding solutions that make companies marketable.

Who was your favorite professor and why? 

Mr. Chuck Phillips was one of many of my favorite professors. Mr. Phillips was my professor for ethical leadership, and I really think that he reflected the core concepts of that class by being a leader and role model himself. I really liked the outline he provided for the class. He was organized, helpful, supportive and always readily available to answer questions, provide feedback and extend help regarding the subject matter. I also really enjoyed the class because we as students were able to express our views on ethical leadership, especially in today’s society. Mr. Phillips’ ethical leadership class was very engaging and teachable. I learned a lot about ethical leadership, and I would take the class again.

What is one of your favorite Mercer memories?

My favorite Mercer memory was Mercer On Mission Rwanda. Mercer On Mission Rwanda taught me a lot about community, economic involvement, international experience and embracing togetherness. I had a nice time being able to see and experience a new country for the first time. I also enjoyed meeting new people who included my classmates and local Rwandans, whom I still have the pleasure of knowing. It was also great to participate in group activities that involved applying business curriculum and acumen learned in my classes to the trip. I really like the fact that Mercer sends students on Mercer On Mission to create solutions. 

How do you plan on changing the world?

I plan on changing the world by adding value to society in the best way that I can. I want to help as many people as I can, and I want to spread kindness. Kindness has a ripple effect, and if it can be spread in that particular way to people, then we should all try to spread kindness as much as we can. One good deed can turn into 10 good deeds. 

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Stay focused, ask for help when you need it, and follow your passion. 

How did Mercer prepare you for your future?

The plethora of academic programs and resources that Mercer provides to the student body was very helpful and valuable to me. I like the fact that there are academic plans, student organizations, international programs and student resources widely available.

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