Leslie Street Named Director of Mercer’s Furman Smith Law Library


Mercer Law School has appointed Leslie Street as director of the Furman Smith Law Library and associate professor, effective July 24. Street currently serves as clinical assistant professor of law and assistant director for public services at the University of North Carolina's Kathrine R. Everett Law Library.

“We cast a wide net to find just the right person,” said Professor Patrick Longan, who chaired the search committee. “We conducted a national search and had many outstanding applicants, but Leslie emerged from that process as the clear choice for Mercer at this time of great change in the structure and operation of academic law libraries.”

“I am thrilled to be coming to Mercer Law and joining a talented group of librarians, faculty and other staff members who are committed to producing practice-ready law school graduates,” said Street. “It is a dynamic time to be working in academic law libraries, and I am excited to lead the Furman Smith Law Library through new challenges and opportunities of stewarding a collection and providing research services essential to teaching students to be ready to practice and enabling faculty research.”

Street succeeds Suzanne Cassidy, who is retiring after nearly 30 years of service to the Law School's library. “Everyone in the law library is excited that Leslie is coming to Mercer as the next director,” said Cassidy. “With her experience, talent and enthusiasm, I know I am leaving the law library in very capable hands.” 

Street graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in international studies/African studies and cum laude with a J.D. from Brigham Young University. She also earned a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Washington.

Street served as assistant corporation counsel for the New York City Law Department in the Bronx Family Court before working as an associate at a firm located in Tacoma, Washington, representing clients in immigration and family law matters. She was also a volunteer for the Southern Sudanese Community of Washington, providing pro bono immigration assistance for members. In 2008, she became a reference librarian at Georgetown University Law Library before moving to the University of North Carolina School of Law.

Street and her husband, David, have two-year-old twin boys.