Mercer among top producers of Gilman Scholars

Aerial photo of Mercer's Macon campus

Mercer University is among the U.S. colleges and universities that produced the most Gilman International Scholarship recipients during the 2018-2019 academic year.

“Mercer’s recognition as a top producer of Gilman Scholars proves that our students overachieve against our peer institutions, demonstrating not only the caliber of our students but also the quality of our faculty and staff,” said Mercer Provost Dr. D. Scott Davis. “I’m extremely proud of this award, and I congratulate everyone involved with the process.”

Each year, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announces the top producing institutions for the Gilman International Scholarship Program at the Diversity Abroad Conference. The scholarship program enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, providing them with skills critical to the national security and economic prosperity of the U.S.

A total of 13 Mercer students earned recognition from the Gilman Program during the award year of 2018-2019. An additional 32 students received Gilman or Gilman-McCain scholarships in 2019-2020.

“The Gilman and Gilman-McCain scholarships are perfectly aligned with Mercer University’s mission to change the world one student at a time,” said Dr. David A. Davis, associate professor of English and director of fellowships and scholarships. “These scholarships allow students with high financial need to participate in study abroad programs and Mercer On Mission, allowing them to broaden their perspectives, develop new skills and address global needs. These experiences have a transformative effect on the students, and the students have a transformative effect on the world.”

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