Mercer Featured in The Princeton Review’s ‘Best Colleges’ Guide for 18th Straight Year


MACON/ATLANTA – Mercer University is one of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduates to earn their college degree, according to The Princeton Review. The education services company profiles and recommends Mercer in the 29th edition of its annual college guide, “The Best 386 Colleges,” released today.

Only about 14% of America’s 2,800 four-year colleges are profiled in the book. The company chooses the “Best 386” based on data it annually collects from administrators at hundreds of colleges about their institutions’ academic offerings. The Princeton Review also considers data it gathers from its surveys of college students who rate and report on various aspects of their campus and community experiences for this project.

“We salute Mercer for its outstanding academics and we are truly pleased to recommend it to prospective applicants searching for their personal ‘best-fit’ college,” said Robert Franek, The Princeton Review’s editor-in-chief and lead author of “The Best 386 Colleges.”

The Princeton Review lauds Mercer for providing “boundless opportunities for undergraduates.” Student surveys praise faculty who are “genuinely invested in their students” and peers who are “full of energy, enthusiasm and drive” and “so accepting of people’s differences and so open-minded.”

In a “Survey Says” sidebar in the book’s profile on Mercer, The Princeton Review lists topics that students were in most agreement about in their answers to The Princeton Review’s survey questions. These include “students involved in community service,” “active student government” and “intramural sports are popular.”

The Princeton Review does not rank the colleges in the book from 1-386. Its school profiles are posted at, where they can be searched for free with site registration.

About The Princeton Review

The Princeton Review is a leading tutoring, test prep, and college admission services company. Every year, it helps millions of college- and graduate school–bound students achieve their education and career goals through online and in-person courses delivered by a network of more than 4,000 teachers and tutors, online resources, and its more than 150 print and digital books published by Penguin Random House. The company’s brand is one of the largest online tutoring service in the U.S. It comprises a community of thousands of tutors who have delivered more than 19 million one-to-one tutoring sessions. The Princeton Review is headquartered in New York, New York. The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University. For more information, visit and the company’s Media Center. Follow the company on Twitter (@ThePrincetonRev) and Instagram (@theprincetonreview).