NCPA awards Chapter of the Year to Mercer College of Pharmacy student chapter

a group of people in white coats pose for a photo
Members of Mercer's College of Pharmacy National Community Pharmacists Association student chapter. Courtesy of NCPA Mercer

The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) has named Mercer College of Pharmacy‘s student chapter the Chapter of the Year, recognizing its engagement and dedication to community pharmacy.

Mercer’s chapter was selected for this honor out of more than 100 chapters across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The NCPA based its decision on several criteria: advocacy, event participation, community service and outreach, and fundraising, among others. 

“We have taken our goal of serving as the voice for the independent community pharmacist above and beyond and are ecstatic to have our accomplishments recognized nationally,” said Natalie Novak, ’24, immediate-past president of Mercer’s NCPA chapter.

“Community pharmacy isn’t just about dispensing. It is about taking care of the whole patient. I am so proud of our chapter’s work and what it continues to do to educate future pharmacists about this rewarding career path,” said Dr. Lea Winkles, associate dean for student affairs.

The NCPA student chapter awards recognize those that promoted independent pharmacy through their chapter activities and provided the most significant service to fellow students and the broader public community during the previous academic year.

“I love seeing these submissions year after year and watching our student chapters grow. The chapters being honored at the 2023 NCPA Annual Convention demonstrated resiliency and innovation in how they’ve expanded the impact of their chapter during and after the pandemic,” said Carlie Traylor, director of strategic initiatives and student affairs at the National Community Pharmacists Association.

The chapter will receive the award and a $2,000 prize at the NCPA’s annual meeting in October. 

Founded in 1898, the National Community Pharmacists Association is the voice for independent pharmacy, representing over 19,400 pharmacies that employ over 240,000 individuals nationwide.