New Faculty and Staff

statue of jesse mercer sitting on a bench


Shantika Delafosse, administrative assistant to the dean, Dean’s Office, School of Business

Erica Geralds, staff counselor, Counseling Services

Yetunde Okediji, temporary teaching assistant, Dean’s Office, School of Business


Veronica Freeman, clerkship coordinator, Academic Affairs, School of Medicine

Kimberly Willingham, clerkship coordinator, Academic Affairs, School of Medicine

Fort Gaines

Abdollatif Ghiathi, assistant professor, Family Medicine, School of Medicine

Latara Hill, certified medical assistant, Mercer Medicine, School of Medicine

Kimberly Scott, radiology technologist/office manager, Mercer Medicine, School of Medicine


Maradell Chambers, student loans specialist, Student Loans

Ryan Friedline, director of marketing, Athletics

Danyelle Gary, educational specialist, Upward Bound

Katherine Lybarger, marketing and communications specialist, Mercer Medicine, School of Medicine

Elizabeth McClung, senior human resources coordinator, Human Resources

James McInnis, temporary gameday event staff,  Athletics

Shannon Mitchell, director of assessment, Dean’s Office, College of Education

Brittney Perry, educational specialist, Upward Bound

Ebony Richmond, certified medical assistant – wellness provider, Mercer Medicine, School of Medicine

Jessica Schortinghouse, cheerleading coach, Athletics

Leslie Strozier, surveillance testing coordinator, Mercer Medicine, School of Medicine

Candis Whitfield, academic affairs and programs manager, Academic Affairs, School of Medicine


Kirsten Cherry, preceptorship coordinator, Community Medicine, School of Medicine

Jason Norris, coordinator of admissions and student affairs, Admissions and Student Affairs, School of Medicine