New Faculty and Staff



Taylor Belcher, administrative clerk, Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy

Shayla Davis, clinical coordinator, Physician Assistant Studies, College of Health Professions

Kelly Esidore, audiovisual specialist, IT Infrastructure Services, Swilley Library

Cynthia Millsaps, dispatcher, Mercer Police


Shondria Banks, certified medical assistant, Mercer Medicine, School of Medicine

Daniel Bumgardner, stagehand, Grand Opera House

Nathan Dempsey, rigger, Grand Opera House

Rhonda Dunn, dispatcher, Mercer Police

William Garland, stagehand, Grand Opera House

John Garrison, senior systems analyst, IT Application Services, Auxiliary Services

Aaron Gaultney, stagehand, Grand Opera House

Ladonta Harris, assistant football coach, Athletics

Hsiang-Ling Hsiaco, staff accompanist, Dean's Office, School of Music

George Johnson, stagehand, Grand Opera House

Christopher Lackey, stagehand, Grand Opera House

Joshua McCall, stagehand, Grand Opera House

Gregory Melton, police officer, Mercer Police

Dessie Merriweather, stagehand, Grand Opera House

Kacie Milholden, nurse practitioner, Mercer Medicine, School of Medicine

Barbara Ross O'Neil, medical coder II, Mercer Medicine, School of Medicine

Brooke Palmer, stagehand, Grand Opera House

Parth Patel, grant project coordinator, Family Medicine, School of Medicine

Charles Platt, police officer, Mercer Police

Cheryl Quainter, medical receptionist, Mercer Medicine, School of Medicine

Allan Sherman, stagehand, Grand Opera House

Horecia Williams, certified medical assistant, Mercer Medicine, School of Medicine