Princeton Review names Mercer one of best colleges

Spires of Administration Building

Mercer University is one of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduates to earn their college degree, according to The Princeton Review. The education services company profiles and recommends Mercer in the 29th edition of its annual college guide, “The Best 386 Colleges,” released today.

Only about 14% of America’s 2,800 four-year colleges are profiled in the book. The company chooses the “Best 386” based on data it annually collects from administrators at hundreds of colleges about their institutions’ academic offerings. The Princeton Review also considers data it gathers from its surveys of college students who rate and report on various aspects of their campus and community experiences for this project.

The Princeton Review lauds Mercer for providing “boundless opportunities for undergraduates.” Student surveys praise faculty who are “genuinely invested in their students” and peers who are “full of energy, enthusiasm and drive” and “so accepting of people’s differences and so open-minded.”

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