Tiffany Watkins Named SRBLSA Outstanding Chapter President


Tiffany Watkins, a third-year law student, was chosen as the Southern Region Black Law Students Association Outstanding Chapter President of the Year. She received the honor at the organization's 2015 Regional Convention in Columbia, South Carolina.

Professor Tony Baldwin says, “Watkins sets strong academic and BLSA work ethics for the chapter, and she leads it quietly fairly, and effectively.”

In addition to her work with the Black Law Students Association, Watkins is the Georgia Survey Editor for Mercer Law Review, a member of the Legal Aid Volunteer Association and serves as a mentor in the Academic Success Program. She has received scholarships from the Leadership Institute for Women of Color Attorneys and the Gate City Bar Association. She currently clerks for the Civil Division of the United States Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Georgia.

The National Black Law Students Association, which was formed in 1968, encourages the development of talented, socially conscious lawyers through tradition, academic excellence, national impact, a global legal perspective, and diverse experiences, perspectives, and opinions. The Southern Region is comprised of law school chapters in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Puerto Rico.