Unprecedented 13 seniors recognized by Fulbright Program in 2019-20

Student recognized by Fulbright Program

Mercer University recently concluded an unprecedented year in terms of student success with the prestigious Fulbright U.S. Student Program, the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government.

Mercer had a remarkable 13 seniors recognized by the Fulbright Program, including a record five finalists who will teach or study abroad in Finland, Mongolia, Morocco, South Africa and Spain, as well as one alternate and seven semifinalists.

A finalist is an applicant who was approved by the host country and offered a Fulbright U.S. Student Award. An alternate may be promoted to finalist status if additional funding becomes available, and a semifinalist was approved by the national screening committee for review by the host country.

“I am exceptionally pleased with the performance of our students this year. They were not only highly qualified for this competitive award, but they worked very hard fine-tuning the components of their application in a short period of time,” said Dr. Edward Weintraut, Fulbright Program adviser and professor of foreign languages and literatures at Mercer.

Continue reading about the students recognized by the Fulbright Program at news.mercer.edu.