For the fourth time in five years, head coach Susie Gardner, the Southern Conference (SoCon) Coach of the Year, is leading her women’s basketball team to the NCAA Tournament. After winning the SoCon regular-season championship with a 13-1 mark, the...
A reader asks: My personal life is challenging, and I'm having a difficult time focusing in class. What should I do?
Dear Kelly, What is your advice to keep going even though you think you’re not ready for this? I enrolled in college because I always had a dream of earning my degree, but my first semester just ended, and I...
Let us show support for our inclusive community this month with a celebration of our first-generation college students, faculty and staff members. These individuals will be recognized on Nov. 8 as the nation and many institutions of higher education acknowledge...
As the holidays draw near, so do the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn. I don’t mean this in the sense that they are getting closer to Earth; that distance is slowly increasing. They are, however, getting closer to each...
A reader asks: I'm about to graduate. Do you have any advice for finding the energy to cross the finish line victoriously?
When it comes to healthy habits, whether you’ve failed once, a hundred times or never got started, you can start again today and be successful.
As I am writing, we are on the cusp of the autumnal equinox. On Sept. 22 at 3:21 p.m., the sun will be at the dead center above the equator. Briefly, the hours of daylight and night will be...
A reader asks: What do you do to help you stay motivated when you just want to rest and enjoy the break?
Welcome to Macon! Hundreds of accepted students will get to know our undergraduate campus and city during the Admissions Office's Make It Mercer! event on April 22, and many more will visit throughout the summer before they officially move...