Mercer’s Literary Magazine Recognized at Two National Conferences

Dulcimer staff 2018

MACON – Representatives from the Dulcimer, Mercer University’s literature and art publication founded by the Student Government Association in 1966, attended the National College Media Convention in October. The convention was hosted by the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) and the College Media Association.

“Every year, The Dulcimer staff submits their publication into competition for the ACP Pacemaker awards,” said Craig Coleman, professor and chair of art and faculty adviser to the Dulcimer. “This year, the students were recognized and honored in two separate ceremonies at the convention for two awards.”

The Dulcimer staff was recognized as an ACP Pacemaker Finalist and received third place for ACP Best in Show. The Pacemaker, which has been awarded since 1927, is the highest honor the ACP gives to its members.

Along with Coleman, Will Darragh, current editor of the Dulcimer, Emily Bartlett, Dwayne Brown and Elizabeth Tammi attended the conference in Louisville, Kentucky.

More than 275 learning sessions were held over three days, which included keynote speakers, workshops, breakout sessions and individual meetings with professional advisers.

“I found everyone to be friendly, welcoming, smart, engaging and dedicated to creating an experience for the students that was as comprehensive, educational and as fun as possible,” said Coleman. “The students came back with tons of ideas, energized and excited to make the Dulcimer the best it can be for Mercer.”

The Dulcimer’s staff also received five awards at the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) competition, another contest it enters each year. This year, CSPA had 11,493 entries submitted in 166 categories.

The Dulcimer was recognized as a CSPA Gold Medalist, and four students received Gold Circle Awards.

Vivian Goodwin received a Certificate of Merit for open free form poetry. Dwayne Brown received a Certificate of Merit for single illustration, computer generated. Will Darragh received a second-place award for humor, and Elizabeth Tammi received a third-place award for traditional fiction.