What activities are available to students in Regional Academic Centers? | Ask Kelly

Four adults walk down stairs
Working adult students can have a full college experience by taking advantage of everything Mercer has to offer. Photo by Marin Guta

Dear Kelly,

I am a working adult student at one of Mercer’s Regional Academic Centers. When I decided to go back to school, I was really excited about not only earning my degree but also getting to have that “college experience.” What programs or activities are available to the working adult student population who attend the Regional Academic Centers?

I’m so excited that you asked me about this. This is probably one of the most popular questions that we get at the Regional Academic Centers, and it always makes me smile when the students hear our answer.

The truth is that the term “working adult” just classifies what type of student you are. If you attend Mercer, you are a Mercer student! So, what does that mean?

It means you have access to the resources and amenities that all Mercer students have access to. The only difference between you and students in Atlanta or Macon is that you live closer to the Regional Academic Centers, so you might have to drive a bit of a distance to access some facilities.

As a Mercer student you have access to:

You can also attend fun-filled student events like Beary Fair on Aug. 26 in Macon or the Cluckin’ Good Fun football tailgate on Aug. 27 hosted by QuadWorks in Macon.

The Mercer campuses are always offering fun activities, and you can be a part of them.

In addition, the Regional Academic Centers also offer amazing events, including Homecoming Week, Think Pink Week and more.

From Aug. 29 to Sept. 1, the Regional Academic Centers in Henry County and Douglas County and the Evening Student Support Center are throwing their Welcome Back Week celebrations. Each night from 5-7 p.m., the centers will have food, games, giveaways and more. In Atlanta, the event will be held at the new welcome center in Mercer Village. The centers are excited to celebrate you, the students, as you begin your 2022-23 academic journey.

The Regional Academic Centers are always interested in bringing organizations and community engagement opportunities to their students. If you have an idea for a club or organization that you would like to start at one of the centers, contact a student success coordinator for help getting a group started.

All of this is just a small part of what you can experience as a Mercer Bear. You have earned your place at one of the most phenomenal institutions in the state of Georgia. Whether you are a working adult student or a residential undergraduate student, Mercer sees you as a Mercerian — with all of the rights, opportunities and experiences that has to offer.

As always, I wish you health, happiness and continued success throughout your journey.

Kelly Browning, student success coordinator at the Henry County Regional Academic Center, answers questions from the Mercer community. Email her at browning_kl@mercer.edu or fill out our online form to submit your question anonymously.


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