Alumni and Friends to Celebrate Nursing Centennial


Georgia’s oldest college of nursing is gearing up for a festive weekend to commemorate its 100th anniversary this year.

Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University will kick off its centennial celebration on Oct. 11 with registration and campus tours. Other events to take place during the weekend include a ceremony to dedicate the new College of Nursing building on Mercer’s Atlanta campus, continuing education sessions and a centennial gala reception and dinner on Saturday, Oct. 12, for alumni and friends.

Georgia Baptist College of Nursing was founded as the Tabernacle Infirmary and Training School for Christian Nurses in 1902 by Dr. Len G. Broughton, a Baptist minister and physician. Four students graduated in the inaugural class.

In its centennial year, the College is addressing the shortage of nursing faculty and acute/critical care nurses with the initiation of its master of science in nursing program. Fall 2002 was the inaugural semester for graduate students enrolled in these two vitally important areas of concentration. Georgia Baptist College of Nursing also offers the bachelor of science in nursing degree and an RN-BSN advanced track.

“Over the past 100 years, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing alumni have been instrumental in providing health care throughout the state and nation,” said Dean Susan S. Gunby. “The first four students graduated from Baptist Tabernacle Infirmary School for Nurses in 1904, and now more than 5,900 have followed in their footsteps.”

Click here for more information about the Centennial celebration.

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