New Zoned Parking Begins This Fall

Mercer Seal

Beginning this fall semester, the University will move to a zoned
parking system. This new system was developed by the Parking Task
Force composed of student, faculty, staff, and community members.
Below are the zones:

Blue             East Side Residents
                 (MEP Hall and Plunkett Hall)
Red              West Side Residents
                 (Garden Apartments, Adams/Winship Apartments,
                 Greek Village, Shorter Hall, Mercer Hall,
                 Roberts Hall, Sherwood Hall)
Yellow           South Side Residents
                 (Stadium Drive Apartments)
Green            Macon and Atlanta Faculty and Staff (including staff
                 at 400 Popular St , MERC, Mercer Press), Commuting
                 Students, Med School Students, Law School Students
Tan              All employees at off-campus medical facilities

All vehicles must be registered by Wednesday, Aug. 20.  Decals and
parking brochures will be available from Mercer Police after Aug. 1.
Zoned parking will be enforced Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4
Visitor parking will be available in the lots adjacent to Connell
Student Center and Mercer Police Station.
A color map with the new parking zones can be seen at this website: