Let’s play a word association game. When I say “exercise,” what are the first things that pop into your mind? I bet they are visions of running, elliptical training, and getting sweaty and out of breath — you know,...
We’ve all heard of the “freshman 15” — a colloquial term for the weight gain that many new college students experience when living on their own for the first time with access to delicious (and abundant) on-campus dining options. But...
Mercer University now is administering the COVID-19 vaccine to students, faculty and staff, with hundreds receiving their first dose as soon as it became available.  A team from Mercer Medicine administered the first vaccine on a Mercer campus on March 26 in Atlanta. Vaccines also have been given in...
Tempus fugit: time flies. It was a year ago this month when most of us really began to feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in our lives. Classes moved to virtual; many employees began working remotely; and we were asked...
A Mercer University student is working to start an Out of the Darkness suicide prevention walk at the University. Claire Tolvanen, a junior majoring in industrial engineering, is hoping not only to raise money to go toward suicide prevention but also break...
Learn how to make pan-seared salmon with a sweet potato edamame barley bowl and wilted Swiss chard, grilled ratatouille salad and mini key lime pies.
Unbeknownst to Fred Barksdale, he was a “walking time bomb” for a stroke. A vascular screening at Sheffield Gym on Mercer University’s Atlanta campus a year ago revealed a blockage that was limiting blood flow from his right carotid...
Mercer University Student Government Association’s (SGA) COVID-19 Task Force is making time for the student body’s questions and concerns about the pandemic by hosting a town hall meeting to provide a space for dialogue between students and faculty and...
Mercer University students, faculty and staff who would like to be tested for COVID-19 before heading home or traveling for Thanksgiving will have several opportunities to do so.  In Macon, testing will be offered 8 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Nov. 19-20, as...
Mercer University is promoting the importance of physical health during the COVID-19 pandemic by hosting a virtual 5K race called “We Run Together.” The free event will take place Oct. 17-31. All faculty, staff and students are invited to join...