After 29 years of teaching middle school students in Gwinnett, Elaine Crowell is now preparing to teach fellow teachers.
ATLANTA-Mercer University's chapter of the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Students in Pharmacy (APhA-ASP) recently received national honors for its community outreach efforts.
MACON - It began in January.   Mercer biomedical engineering student Danielle Drury was named Georgia Engineering Student of the Year by the Georgia Engineering Foundation.   "I was really excited and surprised by that," said Drury, who learned that Mercer Engineering Dean Dayne Aldridge had nominated her for the honor.   But for the 22-year-old this was just the beginning of a long list of recognitions she would receive her spring semester at Mercer.   While she was knee-deep in her senior design project, Drury's euphoria about her new state title was beginning to fade. That is when she received word that she was one of an estimated 30 students in the country to receive a biomedical engineering graduate fellowship from the Whitaker Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to improving human health through the support of biomedical engineering.   With an estimated value of $111,000, the fellowship pays for Drury's tuition in the biomedical engineering...
WHO: Six Mercer ROTC cadets: Curtis Armstrong of Waycross, Isaiah Davis of Macon, ChrisAngel Fuller of Warner Robbins, Kelly Nalley of Stockbridge, Morenika Richards of Atlanta and Patty Vithaya of Atlanta.   WHAT: ROTC cadets will be commissioned as U.S. Army second lieutenants   WHEN: Sunday, May 11, at 10 a.m.   WHERE: Willingham Hall, Mercer's Macon Campus. Go to the North entrance off College Street. Willingham is next to the Administration Building.   WHY:  Five of the cadets will be entering active duty after they are commissioned as officers and graduate Sunday. One of the newly commissioned officers will enter the U.S. Army Reserves.   Media interested in covering the event should contact Jenny Butkus at (478) 301-4037 or (478) 731-3668.   -30-
Mercer University faculty members H. Anne Hathaway, Ed.D.; Julie Hixson-Wallace, Pharm.D., and Gloria Reece, Ed.D., were among 12 educators from across the state selected to participate in the prestigious Governor's Teaching Fellows Program for the 2003-2004 academic year.
ATLANTA-Mercer University Southern School of Pharmacy student Adina Hirsch was one of 10 students in the country awarded the prestigious Gateway Research Scholarship from the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education.   Hirsch, a first-year student in Mercer's doctor of pharmacy degree program, will receive a $5,000 stipend to assist Mercer's Dr. Ajay K. Banga, associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences, with pharmaceutical research for the next year.   "I am thinking of a career in research, and working for Dr. Banga will be very good exposure to pharmaceutical research," Hirsch, an Atlanta resident, said.   Specifically, Hirsch will research administering the drug Tacrine through the skin using in vitro skin samples. The drug, which is used by Alzheimer's patients, is currently available in a capsule form, but frequent administration is required. This research project could serve as the basis for a future skin patch for the drug Tacrine and will...
ATLANTA- The Mercer University Southern School of Pharmacy Community Pharmacy Residency Program recently received accreditation from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. This is the only accredited community pharmacy residency program in Georgia.   "Receiving accreditation is a tribute to the quality of our residency program and will serve as a catalyst for continuous quality improvement. I am especially proud of this recognition because it is the first accredited community pharmacy residency program in the state," said H.W. "Ted" Matthews, dean of the School of Pharmacy.   The Southern School of Pharmacy Community Pharmacy Residency Program is a structured postgraduate education and training experience that helps pharmacists develop advanced knowledge and skills for delivering patient care services from a community pharmacy. Mercer's residency program requires at least 2,000 contact hours of training for a minimum of 50 weeks. It includes components in...
MACON-Mercer University student Emanuel Istudor is bringing a new meaning to the word missionary. The freshman engineering student has found a way to combine his computer savvy with his desire to help the less fortunate.   And thanks to his insight, a group of orphans in the tiny, economically depressed country of Moldova are soon going to have access to computers. It's the result of a club Istudor formed called the Engineering Missions Team.   The group of 9 Mercer engineering students have spent the past semester collecting old and used computers that they can revamp to make them suitable for a school of orphans in the country north of Romania. The students plan to ship about 20 computers to Moldova early this summer.   Some of the computers are as old as 10 years, but Istudor said while they may seem like junk to Americans, the orphans in Moldova will be thrilled to have them. "People have old computers sitting at home that would make these kids go,...
Atlanta, Ga.-Mercer University's Executive MBA Program will visit businesses and companies in Europe instead of Asia this month. This is due to recommendations from the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control concerning SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) to limit travel to affected areas of China and Hong Kong.