Dr. Carol Bokros, director of Pre-Health Professional Programs, commends students for being responsible and resilient during this historic time.
Marketing major Marissa James reflects on her time as a senior at Mercer University and the relationships and memories she has created.
Mercer University senior Will Darragh recently received a prestigious Fulbright U.S. Student Award to serve as an English Teaching Assistant (ETA) in South Africa. Additionally, seniors Sarah Harris and Jessica Lewis were selected as alternates for ETAs in Cote...
MACON – Mercer University senior Will Darragh recently received a prestigious Fulbright U.S. Student Award to serve as an English Teaching Assistant (ETA) in South Africa. Additionally, seniors Sarah Harris and Jessica Lewis were selected as alternates for ETAs...
Throughout the state of Georgia and the nation, Mercer is well known for producing impressive student outcomes. Even by the University’s own lofty standards, the 2019-2020 academic year has been exceptional in terms of Mercerians earning highly competitive national...
Todd Burke, from Mercer’s Henry County campus, shares how he is encouraged by the Mercer community and reminds us to stay active and positive.
Mercer University College of Professional Advancement student Kellye Garrett, a member of the 178th Military Police Company of the Georgia National Guard, has been called to assist with the decontamination of assisted living facilities and nursing homes in response...
Ivy Clarke, an English student at Mercer University, reminds us of the importance of eating well, getting enough sleep and connecting with loved ones for our health.
Mercer University alumna Sarah Layson is a licensed district leader at CVS Health with an area encompassing 15 stores in northwest Georgia. She is assisting in leading operations at a COVID-19 testing site that CVS recently opened in Atlanta. “As...
It's story time with Mercer Women's Basketball Head Coach Susie Gardner as she reads "1, 2, 3 Team!" Gardner wrote the book, which teaches children the importance of being a good teammate. https://youtu.be/8EtsCMnOVGs