Class of 2024 graduates offer this advice to incoming freshmen


Welcome to the Mercer University family, Class of 2028! As you prepare to embark on your journey as a Bear, check out these words of wisdom from some of our most recent graduates to help you make the most of your college career. Here, they answer the question: What advice do you have for incoming students?

Headshot of Molly McRae wearing a black graduation cap and gown. She has a blue stole and cords around her neck.
Molly McRae

“What works for the person next to you may not work for you — and vice versa — and that’s totally OK! One size does not fit all. Regardless of if it’s what music you listen to while you study, what extracurriculars you enjoy, or how often you decide to change your major, you are the only person who can decide what works best for you, so try things out until you find the best fit and balance.”

Molly McRae, Bachelor of Arts, philosophy, politics and economics

Headshot of Chilton Tolliver. He is wearing a black graduation cap and white button up shirt and orange tie under an open gown. He has an orange stole around his neck.
Chilton Tolliver

“Get an internship as early as possible, like summer after freshman year, and get as much real-world, hands-on experience in the career field relating to your degree as possible, so you are competitive and have a lot of skills and knowledge by the time you are graduating.”

Chilton Tolliver, Bachelor of Science, information science and technology

Headshot of Mary Sedyame. She is wearing a black graduation cap and gown and has an orange stole around her neck.
Mary Sedyame

“My advice would be to embrace the experience with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow. Take advantage of opportunities for personal and academic growth, such as joining clubs, seeking internships and engaging with professors. Manage your time wisely, prioritize self-care and don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. Remember that college is not just about academics; it’s also about discovering yourself, building relationships and preparing for your future.”

Mary Sedyame, Bachelor of Science in Education, elementary and special education

Headshot of Ervin Pangilinan. He is wearing a black graduation gown and a white button up shirt and gray tie can be seen underneath. He has a colorful stole and cords around his neck and is wearing sunglasses.
Ervin Pangilinan

“My advice would be to put yourself out there. Don’t be afraid to try something new and get out of your comfort zone. College is a unique time for us to really get to know ourselves, so we should take advantage of that time to explore.”

Ervin Pangilinan, Bachelor of Science, computer science

Headshot of Erin Sweat wearing red and orange stoles around her neck
Erin Sweat

“Don’t take your time at Mercer for granted. As I sat in the last week of class, it all hit me — this was the last time I’d be sitting in Knight Hall learning from my favorite professors and experiencing this amazing campus. Graduating is what everyone looks forward to, but the small moments like going to the bookstore, getting Z Beans with friends, and even just sitting in a Tarver Library study room cramming for an exam are some of my favorite memories of Mercer. Take it all in and cherish it.”

Erin Sweat, Bachelor of Arts, political science

Headshot of Adil Ahmed wearing a black suit, white button up shirt and orange tie. He has an orange stole around his neck and is wearing glasses.
Adil Ahmed

“Whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed, ‘take a walk,’ as my physics professor Dr. Chamaree de Silva would say. Also one piece of advice I will always remember is, ‘Don’t blindly follow your superiors, as they can make mistakes. Respect them even if you disagree, but use your own mind to make choices.’”

Adil Ahmed, Bachelor of Science, chemical commerce

Headshot of Oneeka Kohli wearing a black dress and orange stole.
Oneeka Kohli

“Take it one day at a time. Some days are going to seem hard while others will be a breeze. However, by taking in every day one day at a time, you will not only be more successful but also you will be able to cherish and enjoy the memories you make. Instead of worrying about your senior year at Mercer, stay in the present and enjoy your freshman year. … Enjoy those firsts.”

Oneeka Kohli, Bachelor of Arts, communication studies and Spanish

Headshot of Michael Mallard wearing a black graduation cap and gown. He has an orange stole around his neck.
Michael Mallard

“Embrace change. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket with one major, one friend group or one student organization. You will live what feels like a hundred lifetimes over these four years. That is a wonderful gift.”

Michael Mallard, Bachelor of Arts, sociology and communication studies

Headshot of Han Eaton wearing a pink top and a pink stole.
Han Eaton

“Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and enjoy everything along the way.”

Han Eaton, Bachelor of Arts, English and communications studies

Headshot of Joshua Hynds wearing a black graduation cap and gown. He has an orange stole around his neck.
Joshua Hynds

“My biggest advice is to try things. Even if you don’t think you should like it, college is a great place to explore and try new things to see what you like. You might surprise yourself!”

Joshua Hynds, Bachelor of Science, computer science


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Jennifer Falk
Jennifer Falk is director of digital communications at Mercer. She edits and writes feature stories for The Den and examines web data and analytics to drive content decisions. She also creates and supervises the creation of content for primary University web pages and e-newsletters.